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I like to keep things simple. It is something I’ve found over time that brings me the best success in all aspects of my life. 

As we head into 2023, it is imperative to remember the basics. The basics will always get you on the path to victory no matter what business youre in or what type of brand you're building. In 2023, I want to bring you back to the basics and encourage you to keep fighting for your dreams, not only for your brand but for you personally. 

Here are my seven knockout punches that will empower you to not only get on the path to victory but to keep you successful for years to come. 

Let’s keep it simple. 


This is achieved only through honesty and transparency. People can quickly figure out if you’re trying to fool them so don’t take any opportunities for granted. 


Establishing core principles that your brand follows is imperative. The goal is to execute your vision and shape your inner culture which can only happen if you establish quality core principles that are followed and maintained throughout every aspect of your business and brand. 


It isn’t enough to simply exist for profits. Your brand purpose needs to be crystal clear and should stem from a true desire to make a positive impact in the world. If you are not clear on your vision or purpose, you will never establish a clear direction, and this will only lead to unnecessary distractions and confusion for you and your clients


Nothing will represent your brand more than your actions as a business. Every single action counts, from how you interact with your clients to how you run your operations. So, make sure you walk the talk. The worst thing you can do is say one thing and do another. At the end of the day, you are your brand. Always keep your word and follow through on your commitments. 


If your mission is backed by a vision to make a positive difference in people's lives, you will build a successful loyal client base. Clients know when your brand is created from the heart. Building a loyal customer following takes time, so be patient and continue to build genuinely and authentically. If you are devoted, then youre in this for the long haul, so do not give up and remain faithful. 


Quality will determine the true value of your brand which will directly correspond to the kind of clients your brand ultimately attracts. So, whether you are a budget brand or luxury brand, quality is absolutely always expected.


What your clients experience with you and your brand is a major part of its long-term success. No matter how savvy your marketing is, no matter how much you invest in all the bells and whistles, if you can’t fulfill your promises and keep your word, none of it will matter. 
Always keep your word. Be a brand of integrity. 


Delilah V. Matos has been a licensed skin care professional and active in the beauty industry for over 20 years. Matos is also an USA Masters Division Boxing Athlete where she unleashes her inner fighting spirit. She started beauty school and working in salons at age 16, while still in high school. With her combined passion for aesthetics along with her athleticism starting from a young age, Matos knew early on in life what she was out to accomplish. She is a sought-after professional delivering quality treatments while empowering individuals to “face each day fighting beautifully. She strives to empower the human spirit within the lives of those around her and has packaged her message into the empowering lifestyle brand, Beautiful Fighter®️ Delilah’s Philanthropic work also extends a heart to our younger generation where she uplifts, encourages, and supports children and teens to face every day fighting for their dreams. 

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