What’s your recipe for the perfect homecare regimen?

Written by Kathleen Carney, CEO of Skin Blends LLC
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect homecare regimen because nobody's skin is the same and everybody's skin is ever changing. That is why clients need skin care professionals. Some professionals are truly missing an opportunity by not taking the time to talk to clients every time they visit the spa about what products they are currently using and what issues they are…
Young girls are often told by their mothers, grandmothers, and sometimes even a skin care professional that shaving will cause their hair to grow back thicker and darker. Is there any truth behind this belief or is it just an old wives tale? If this statement were true, anyone who has ever suffered from balding would be shaving their heads religiously, expecting the regrowth to…
Most aestheticians chose their profession because they like working with people and are, by nature, nurturers. In fact, helping others through customer service is the most common reason this career path was so enticing to a majority of professionals. Most just want to make a difference in people’s lives and, through aesthetics, have found their path.