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The Hairy Truth on Lasers and IPLs

“Education is the key.” How many times have you heard that statement? How many times have you either thought it or, if you’re like me, actually smiled and said it nicely to one of your clients? When it pertains to hair reduction with the use of light therapies such as laser and IPL, this is an unbelievably true statement.
Day after day I get the same questions – “How exactly does it work?”, “What’s the difference between IPL and laser?”, Will I ever have to shave or wax again?”, “How many times will I have to come back?”, “Is it really permanent?”, “Will it help prevent or work on my ingrown hair?”, “I have dark skin; can I get laser hair removal?”, and the best “Well, you do laser hair removal – how come you still have hair?”.


Laser Safety 101

When I go to the doctor’s office, it is important for me to see their credentials on the wall of their office or in the hallway. Credentials also set you apart from the rest; it inspires confidence in your clients and colleagues that you have taken that extra step in training.

  • As a client, should I be concerned with your academic competency?
  • Would I know if you chose the right training course for the procedure that I am requesting?
  • What was the duration of the course that you took?
  • Was it an academic State approved credentialed physician supervised hands-on training program?
  • Was your course over a weekend in a hotel room?
  • Were there pertinent laser safety issues that will affect you the user and me the patient taught in your curriculum?
  • How often do you practice this procedure?

Tuesday, 24 May 2011 18:32

The Skin Care of Waxing

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Most professionals would agree that whether you’re 12 years or 12 months into the skin care industry, one thing is certain – there is no such thing as a simple service. Having advancements in technology, treatments, and skin care products, skin care professionals need to analyze all aspects of their client’s service needs. This is especially true for clients who suffer from hyperpigmentation, sun damage, thinning skin, couperose, hormonal changes, and skin sensitivity. After all, there’s nothing more disappointing than performing an upper lip wax on a client and having an end result of burned skin or hyperpigmentation develop over the waxed areas.

Say Cheese, Please

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As industry professionals we can see our treatments make a difference. However, there were so many times when I was performing treatments that I wished I could show the client solid facts that showed a difference.
With the fight against aging showing no signs of slowing down and increased interest in non-invasive aesthetic procedures, skin care professionals are looking for new technologies to satisfy their clients and stay competitive in the industry.

Our field is evolving beyond just beauty. Realizing that body, mind, and spirit work together; traditional beauty treatments are now being combined with health and wellness, alternative therapies, and cutting edge technologies for looking and feeling younger. Everyone is jumping on our bandwagon.
Combining the Green and Wellness trends in your practice allows you to stay ahead of the curve to provide clients with one-of-a-kind treatments and sustainability for your business. Green is the color at the middle of the rainbow and the center of the Chakra system – representing the Heart Chakra. Green promotes balance, healing, harmony, abundance, new growth, and coming from the heart.

You’ve just returned home from an aesthetic trade show and you cannot get that Turbo-Firmo-Sculptolator 500™ machine off your mind. The demonstration proved the skin lifting and tightening results promised by the device’s makers, at a mere $8,000 with easy lease-to-own payments… how could you go wrong with this purchase? Imagine your clients’ delight when they see your dazzling new equipment and quickly they’ll sign up for treatments just as soon as… hold it! Shake of the fog of self-delusion and take a cold, hard look at this pricey decision.

Sun Damage Repair

As Jack Frost nips at our noses, it is a common tradition for families to escape to higher elevations for vacations in the snowy landscape. Unfortunately, with temperatures dropping and swim suit weather long gone, it is easy to forget about the dangers of sun exposure and importance of wearing sunscreen. What most people do not know is that UV rays during the winter are much harsher than those in the summer. After months of unprotected exposure, consumers often begin showing the visible signs of sun damage, such as darkened freckles and age spots. This creates the perfect time of year to highlight services that rejuvenate and repair the skin.

The Spa Experience Expanded

Spas are relaxing, pampering and non-invasive places of retreat from daily life, right? Although partly true, thinking this may limit the possibilities available. Of course we do not need to go to the other extreme, deliberately causing pain and trauma. Yet we can balance the treatment mix to include more treatment modalities in capturing a wider client and/or treatment base.
Spa service is well founded with a long tradition in many parts of the world – as people move around, they bring with them high expectations of service, and will demand the same high quality of spa service everywhere they seek treatment.

Corrective Holistic Skin Care Solutions

The understanding and use of holistic skin care principles and their wisdom can benefit every aesthetic practice. In this article I will share some of my favorite ingredients and procedures that come from both modern science and traditions from around the world. But first, let us consider the basics behind beautiful skin, starting from the inside out.

Healthy Skin Starts with a Healthy Barrier

The skin is an amazing protective organ that we, as skin care professionals, have the exciting job of treating. Although every patient is different - from skin condition, oil production, and Fitzpatrick type - achieving healthy skin is always the desired result. With so many products and treatment options available, reaching this goal can at times be difficult. However, no matter what the patient’s skin concerns, improving the appearance and function of the skin ultimately comes down to a healthy barrier.

Skintervention 101: Acne Habits to Break and Prevent

I've heard aestheticians counsel acne clientele to do everything from using all-natural, organic based formulations to lab-tested, clinically oriented products; from eliminating various stresses to eliminating specific foods; from changing one facet of a daily routine to changing an entire lifestyle. In truth, there is no one way to control a client’s acne. Different genetics, lifestyles, and chemical makeup leave a great deal of room for mixed results.
While good advice for at-home treatment is crucial to gaining control over the problem, making a client aware of what to avoid as the skin heals is equally important.

Your Business "Illuminated"

Although most of us are drawn to this industry by our enthusiastic passion for skin care, in order to succeed, it becomes necessary for us to focus on the business aspect of our passion and to ask ourselves if we are doing all that we can to attract and retain clients. In addition to having access to professional product lines and providing services in an appropriate atmosphere, we offer the "three E's": education, experience, and expertise. Our clients expect us to use these skills to analyze, treat, and make recommendations specific to their personal needs and expectations.

De-Stressing the Skin and Mind

Do you believe the way a person thinks can affect their skin? My observations as a practitioner show that it can. When individuals de-stress their minds, they look younger and their wrinkles are reduced. De-stressing the mind and body de-stresses the skin.
I’ve noticed unresolved issues kept inside over extended periods of time will dry some individuals’ skin, while anxiety and a lack of self-confidence can also cause the skin to break out. Individuals without the guidance of a mentor, a parent, or a boss can find it more difficult to make important decisions. Frequently, they are emotionally sensitive, have volcanic type pimples, picked skin, and rapidly aging skin.

Caring for the Skin Cancer Patient

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. with more than one million new cases diagnosed last year. The National Cancer Institute estimates that in 2009, approximately 69,000 people were diagnosed, and 8,650 died of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. As skin cancer diagnoses rise, it becomes increasingly likely that one of your patients will become affected. Although aestheticians are not licensed to diagnose cancer, they can play an important role in recognizing suspicious lesions and referring patients to a dermatologist for assessment.

April 2024

Brands of the Month

  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.
  • Face Reality Skincare


Tips For Medical Spa Pros To Become Better Patient Advocates 

The Gold Standard: Policy Building

The Gold Standards: Policy Building

Better Brands: Quality Brand Representation


Greenlighting Sustainability: Biotechnology & the Future of Sustainable Beauty

Lip Service: The Top 10 Lip Tips of 2023

In the Land of Lashes

Poreless Perfection: Glass Skin Makeup


Mastering the Melt

Precision & Permanence  

Getting Intimate 

Beyond Waxing