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Take Control of Your Laser Clients

A recent review of our liability claims for the cosmetic laser industry showed an interesting trend: Many of the claims for laser burns resulted from the operator using power settings higher than recommended by the laser manufacturer. When queried as to why this had happened, in more than one instance the operator confessed their client was eager for results and the laser professional wanted to accommodate them. Interesting…
For years, I have given speeches and written articles advising permanent cosmetic professionals to not let the client control them. Now it turns out the same situation is happening in the laser industry.


Unconditional (Client) Love

If you own a business, you may have noticed that the marketplace is starting to feel more than a little crowded. With an economy that is still less-than-stellar, it is more saturated than ever with businesses vying for the attention of customers and potential customers. In fact, your own mailbox and inbox are probably full of ads, coupons, and marketing messages trying to win your business. And if you are feeling inundated with offers and information; just imagine how your customers must feel. Therefore, if you are not doing something to set yourself above the competition and establish customer loyalty, your business is in big trouble. 

It is time to become market driven with a series of exciting new client retention marketing strategies. We all know that one of the two best ways to build your business is by bringing in and keeping new clients. The other basic strategy for skin care clinics, salons, day spas, laser treatment centers, and medical spas is to build new business through your regular clients by selling them more services and products as well as to get them to refer their friends, co-workers, and family to you. With that said, it is time to explore how to sharpen your pencil on both ends to facilitate a new marketing plan that will take advantage of all opportunities.

We really should be smart about the fruits we consume. After all, remember that fruits are very similar to breads, pastas, rice, and other high carbohydrate-rich foods in that fruits are high in carbohydrates. That is one reason why we should only consume a certain amount, and choose the fruits that are lower in sugar. If you pick the right fruits and eat the proper portions, then you will give your body what it needs and it will benefit greatly from your efforts.
With today’s epidemic of diseases at an all time high people are starting to question which fruits are going to give them the biggest bang for their calorie buck.

The aesthetics industry, for years, has predominantly marketed the concept of "anti-aging" in terms of service and retail dollars. Anti-aging has become a central component in skin care, as we continually attempt to deliver the most effective treatments to our clients. We attempt to erase their chosen past lifestyles from their skin with, sometimes, unrealistic expectations, and usually in direct competition with medical doctors. The future of aesthetics is in treating the skin holistically, as the holistic practitioners we truly are. "Holistic" is a multi-faceted concept where the skin is seen as a whole.

Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life, but you could not put a finger on it? Have you noticed that when one area of your life is out of balance, things in other areas feel unmanageable as well? Have you literally experienced the expression when it rains, it pours? These are all examples of how everything in our life is integrated and when one aspect falls out of balance we experience unmanageability in many other aspects simultaneously. This is the exact principle behind the 12 dimensions of wellness.

Gift Certificates are the Perfect Gift

The holidays are once again upon us! With this time of year comes a lot of hustle and bustle, list making and gift buying – and a lot of sales opportunities for you and/or your staff. One of the most common of these, of course, is that of gift certificates. But even though the sales of these handy stocking stuffers are pretty much a given, there are a number of techniques for making your gift certificate sales better than ever. Here are a few ideas to improve your sales and results. 

Tap into Your Think Tank

The lightbulb. Bubble wrap. The Post-It. The iPod. The Snuggie. Facebook. Twitter. These inventions, products, and businesses all started with an idea. An idea that to anyone other than its creator(s) may have seemed like an insane thing to invest much time, money, or effort in bringing to fruition. But for the masterminds behind these great ideas, the risk paid off and so too can your next great idea.
Now, you might be thinking, I am not going to come up with today's equivalent of the lightbulb. That is fine. You do not have to.

Skin Care Revolution

Our human skin is a marvel of evolution. And remarkably, much of its physiology and function even today remains a mystery which continues to be revealed. Which is why we all love working in skin therapy, right? Just when you thought you knew it all, up pops some newly discovered cell-capability, or ingredient breakthrough.
For example, only recently have scientists uncovered the intimate connection between brain, nerve endings, and skin, in that neurogenic inflammation is caused by a flood of chemicals called neuropetides that flow into the skin at times of stress.

Good Sanitation Means... Back to the Basics

Does your spa pass the “white glove” test? With today’s emphasis on good hygiene and the battle against infection and diseases, society has become more conscious about cleanliness: We take a shower every day; we put on clean clothes; we clean our homes; we wash our cars, inside and out. So, why should spa-goers not expect to have a clean and sanitary environment in our spas, nail salons, hair salons, or facial studios? As the saying goes, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” As business owners of spas, salons, or studios we need to attract new clients and maintain the clients we have. We want our clients to feel safe, comfortable, nurtured, and clean.

From Plain to Just Plain FABULOUS

There is such a major focus on antiaging and finding the fountain of youth…just remember not all your clients are searching for that elixir nor do they want to look 10 years younger, they are young. Here is how I show these young things how to look like themselves only better. 
After a skin care lesson and a delicious fresh, and friendly facial mask (Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of honey); which I leave on for 15 minutes her skin should feel amazing and makeup should go on like silk. Afterwards, my model was ready for a dash of color to her face.

Hygiene and Sterilization Techniques

Sterilization, aseptic techniques, good hygiene, and disinfection methods are essential for every health and personal care practice. Esthetics is no exception. You will learn techniques for disinfecting many salon implements, as well as the importance of aseptic techniques. You will learn to protect yourself and your clients from exposure to pathogenic organisms.
Germs are microorganisms that literally cover almost every surface, including the skin of the human body. Because this is true, it is important that we learn how to control microorganisms through proper sanitation and sterilization.

Quest for Perfection

Who does not want to be beautiful? On the quest for perfection, consumers have always been more than willing to spend their hard-earned money on attaining flawless skin. In 2009 alone, Americans spent more than $10.5 billion on cosmetic procedures. Unfortunately, some of the most common skin concerns are the most difficult to treat.
Almost everyone can relate to the agony and embarrassment caused by the unsightly look of stretch marks, sagging skin, and spider veins. A mix of frustration and hope has left everyone looking for the cure to these beauty burdens. With aesthetic clients reluctant to resort to surgical extremes or ineffective lotions and potions, it is easy to see why the high-tech medical aesthetic procedures performed in the modern day spa have quickly become the consumer's number one skin secret.

Manuel Lymph Drainage as an Auxiliary Therapy

One would think that Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) enjoyed a steep rise to success. After all, for whatever reasons, it did manage to survive the reefs of recession and the cost restraining law land is thus still covered by the national health insurance schemes in Germany, by which it was recognized only 25 years previously. Yet, it took half a century before it was firmly established as a technique in physical therapy.It was a long journey, beginning in 1932 when Vodder, a Danish scientist, not only discovered MLD intuitively, but also endeavored to elucidate the technique theoretically on the basis of the somewhat obscure literature on the lymph system,
which was still founded essentially on macroscopic studies.

April 2024

Brands of the Month

  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.


Better Brands: Quality Brand Representation

The Business Behind Beauty Brands  

Let the Right One In

The Allure of Launching a Brand  


Greenlighting Sustainability: Biotechnology & the Future of Sustainable Beauty

Lip Service: The Top 10 Lip Tips of 2023

In the Land of Lashes

Poreless Perfection: Glass Skin Makeup


Mastering the Melt

Precision & Permanence  

Getting Intimate 

Beyond Waxing