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Dasha Saian Marchese

A licensed aesthetician, Dasha Saian Marchese is the co-founder and CEO of Saian Natural Clinical Skincare, a DERMASCOPE Ambassador, and a current editorial advisory board member. 

What is your educational background, and how do you continue your education in the industry? 
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in business administration from California State University, Northridge in 2007. That same year, I also received my aesthetician license and was working at a spa as a receptionist. After co-finding Saian Skincare with my mom, I started taking more classes to improve my knowledge of skin, ingredients, nutrition, and the body as a whole. I completed AFPA’s Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Certification and the Family Herbalist course from the School of Natural Healing.

How long have you been in the industry, and why did you choose this field? 
The first job I ever held was as an attendant at a spa in 2000. My job included welcoming the spa guests, handing them towels, and showing them how to use the lockers. A few years later, I was promoted to a receptionist until 2008 – serving some of the biggest celebrities in Los Angeles. I loved my job at the spa but left to become my mother’s right hand at Saian Skincare full time. Come to think of it, I have never had a job outside of the spa industry.  

Why Saian Skincare the ultimate professional go-to, and how has it helped you become one of the best manufacturers in the industry? 
I pride myself in only producing the highest quality products with the best, most innovative ingredients. Listening to my customers and creating products that they ask for is the reason we have been a staple for spas since 2006. The goal is to help aestheticians reach the highest level in their work. Saian is my maiden name, and I only put my name on the best products and devices I stand by and believe in.

How did you source the ingredients for Saian products? 
I work closely with my chemist, whom I trust wholeheartedly, to select the highest quality raw ingredients for Saian Skincare products. One of the most important values to me is loyalty, and I have been with the same four laboratories since the beginning of our brand’s history.

How do you stay educated in skin care? 
I regularly take post-graduate classes from industry peers and mentors, and I also attend tradeshows and trainings. Not only do I always learn something new, but I always walk away inspired with a renewed excitement about my work and our industry as a whole.

What benefits do your accounts see from using Saian? 
The benefit of joining the Saian family is our superior education – free webinars, a wealth of training materials, and protocols available online for instant download. We also offer in-person training year-round in Irvine, California, as well as a comprehensive beauty school curriculum. Learning in-depth about a brand’s formula, protocols, and philosophy allows professionals to successfully recreate the treatments in their room and achieve the best results. I am proud to say that we have an incredible customer retention rate, and the personalized relationship we have with all our professionals is the main reason. We pride ourselves on not having a minimum order and offering personalized support over the phone, by chat, and over e-mail. 

Besides your brand work, what else has helped you become one of the best? 
Throughout my childhood, my mother pushed me to engage in after-school activities like dance, sports, and foreign languages. At the time, I felt overwhelmed and envious of my classmates who had lots of free time. Over time, I became immensely grateful to my mother for introducing me to these activities that became an integral part of my life. I am 38 years old, and I still take Mandarin lessons in my free time because I genuinely want to. My daughter is almost two and already understands English and Russian and is taking Mandarin lessons, as well as music and dance classes. I want her to know that she can be anyone she wants to be, connect with anyone in the world in their language, and make them feel special.

How do you give back to the industry or community? 
I take every chance to provide education to aspiring skin care professionals, be they beauty school students or those seeking post-graduate education. Saian Skincare supports schools and student events with product and sample donations whenever possible. I am also very proud of all the editorial work I have done in the last 15 years, including many articles penned for DERMASCOPE Magazine.

Dasha’s Must-Have Products 

Saian Active Renewal Creme 

Saian CoQ10 Botanical Toner

Saian Enzyme Mask

Saian Nourishing Probiotic Mask


(800) 291-1130

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