Inspired by mother nature’s natural regenerative power, S²RM technology is a scientific breakthrough in skin and hair care. Designed to help improve the quality of life for people suffering from a myriad of skin concerns and conditions, this technology is safe, healthy, and contains no genetic material. From severe trauma such as burns, oncology treatments, and wounds to chronic and aesthetic concerns, stem cell-released molecules…
Welcome to the ever-changing, beauty and science-focused aesthetics industry. The true nuts and bolts of a professional’s work will entail a strong understanding of histology, the study of the microscopic structure of tissues. Clients are more aware than ever about the nuances of skin care and what is available on the market. It is the professional’s job to dive into the deeper levels of skin…
As professionals in the ever-changing skin care industry, “Keeping Up with Consumer Lines” is a familiar reality show we all live in. Skin care has forged coming-and-going trends throughout the years while clients seek increasingly unattainable ideals. Regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity, the fountain of youth is still very much sought after. Some skin care brands may tease with the notion that their products…

Hidden Gems

Written by Janel Luu
When it comes to skin care ingredients, clients are asking more and more questions that contain the latest buzzwords, like vegan, natural, organic, and zero-irritation. This interest is a sign that conscious consumerism and clean beauty are impacting the industry in a big way. In fact, according to Statista, an international data tracker, the global natural and organic beauty market is expected to reach $22…
In an industry that has many avenues in which all kinds of aestheticians can excel, finding one’s identity as a service provider and skin expert is the first step towards a long, lively career. Social media has made those avenues more easily accessible, but it has also created some prefab aesthetician personalities that are proven to gain the attention of the majority. It can be…

April 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Repechage
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • DMK Skin Revision Center