Equipping the Aesthetic Room

Written by Jodi Nightingale-Bennett
Aproperly equipped treatment room is essential to delivering professional aesthetic services. A facial table/chair, magnifying lamp and  basic steamer are most likely on the top of your list for equipping your treatment room. Before you rush off to purchase everything you may want, take a moment to consider exactly what you need and what you can afford. Investing time in planning and research can save…
So, here we are. We have had in-depth discussions about motivation, goals, priorities, plans and organizing. But, we already have experience with time management. We have all been using schedules and lists for years. Why have these tools not already created the success we seek? It has been said in many ways but I prefer the simple analogy – A goal without a plan is…
When I was a child, I had an old fashioned doctor who would always ask me to stick my tongue out and say AH. I never wondered why and, like many things in childhood, just accepted it as normal. As an adult, I discovered that both the Chinese and the Ayurvedic medical systems have a method for reading the tongue.As Dr. Vasant Lad says in…
Ona Spa has long been recognized as one of the premiere medical and day spa destinations in Los Angeles, California, as well as a celebrity favorite. Known for its customized services and results-oriented treatments that combine rapid technology with centuries-old health and wellness traditions to relax the spirit, Ona Spa is the place to rejuvenate the body and reveal the client’s most radiant, healthy self.…
“You can do it; it is only mind over matter.” Has anyone ever said that to you? While we are experts at telling people how to run their lives and make decisions, the funny thing is that we rarely apply it to ourselves. What is it that we are so afraid of?

April 2024

Business Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.
  • Epionce
  • DMK Skin Revision Center