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Once upon a time in a far away universe there was a popular principle called "body wisdom – intuition", which meant that our bodies would tell us which foods we needed- as long as we learn to listen. When we were truly present with our intuition and wisdom principle, when our bodies are deficient in a particular nutrient, our desire to eat foods containing that…
For many people in the U.S., nutritional supplements are simply a natural alternative to synthetic drugs, used in similar ways for similar conditions. But, for those who have used nutritional supplements for years and are familiar with the research on supplements and their use worldwide, nutritional supplements are an integral part of not just addressing health problems, but of creating optimal health and well-being, even…
In August of 1979, I was at the end of my rope. I was 38 years old, but I felt helpless and hopeless. More than three years of rapidly declining health had left me nearly disabled by pain, fatigue, and depression; all of which were caused by a disease syndrome that no doctor could properly diagnose. The best that they could offer me was the…
HOLISTIC: The word implies healing and wellness. It is a word that we are seeing more and more in the spa industry. The word actually does refer to healing. When a person is out of "balance", they are literally feeling "torn apart" by their perceptions of the pressures of their life. Because of this, their body manufactures different kinds of chemicals that aid in their…
There is no denying that Mother Nature has provided us a bounty of exquisite ingredients that have many supportive benefits for our skin’s health. But what happens to those ingredients when science enters the picture? Science and nature may be at opposite ends of the spectrum, but when the two merge, how does that impact the effectiveness of a skin care formulation? It all comes…

April 2024

Wellness Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Face Reality Skincare
  • Skin Script
  • DMK Skin Revision Center