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We frequently encounter questions such as: what is the best way to handle a disgruntled client? Why are we having problems mastering waxing? Where can we go for answers? Expanding your knowledge is the most powerful investment you can make to further your growth not only professionally, but financially. Education is a must from the novice therapist to the seasoned aesthetician. The opportunities to attend…
For any given aesthetic concern, there are both surgical and non-surgical enhancements, which are available. Cosmetic minimally invasive procedures have gained tremendous popularity in the United States with a 53 percent increase between 2002 and 2004 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The desire to maintain a youthful appearance by any means of cosmetic treatment has proven the aesthetic industry to be one…
Consumers should not be afraid to make an appointment at a “mediclinical” spa because of complex words like aesthetics, paramedical, and cosmeceutical. These words have one mission in common: consumer relaxation with results. Today’s Mediclinical spa concept is the millennium’s answer to a “one-stop healing shop.” The American spa industry has grown exponentially in the last two decades and thankfully so. Proudly, I can say…
Early in my career as a skin therapist, I had a colleague who was (and is) a wonderful aesthetician with a huge following. Let’s call her Madge. One day Madge was visited by a regular client for her routine age management treatment. Upon her arrival, the client told Madge that she had been to her dermatologist, and just had a biopsy on a lesion that…

The Love is in the Details

Written by Jaya Schillinger and Crickett (Christina) Cimino LE CMT
When a guest comes into your establishment, what do they see? What do they feel, smell, hear, and maybe even taste? Your focus on the details of client care gives the ability to take a satisfactory experience into an extraordinary and magical one. This magic can reside in a one room spa studio or in a 10 room mega spa. It can exist in the surgi-center…

July 2024

Business Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Skin Script
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.
  • Epionce