Options for Sun Damaged Skin

Written by Fredric S. Brandt, M.D.
I would rather not have to write about solutions for sun damaged skin. Ideally, the topic would be obsolete; every client would prioritize sun protection as much as they do brushing their teeth and using deodorant. But they do not. Or they do, but they did not always, and now they are paying the price for their youthful sun sins. As a dermatologist based in…
Skin and sun: everybody should know by now that this combination is not safe for maintaining the body’s health or its youthful appearance. While some of our clients have certainly gotten the message and live by the sunblock and hat, others are still worshipping the crispy carcass of Coco Chanel and the texture of her alligator handbags.
By now everyone is well aware of the sun's damaging effects and you have likely had the "importance of sun protection" talk with your clients more times than they care to remember. Despite these efforts and the statistics on skin cancer that abound, many still seek the sun's rays in an effort to achieve that bronzed, glowing skin. When a client has clearly spent too…
Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun is a major health hazard. Not only is it responsible for the greatest number of cancers of the skin, but it is a major cause of aging skin, as well as cataracts and related conditions. An understanding of exactly how UV light interacts with the skin's components is critical to an appreciation of just how damaging UV rays can…

UV Damage Control

Written by Sam Dhatt
Move over sunscreens! Make room for antioxidant-rich, pre- and post-sun treatments that not only protect against the sun's damaging UV assault, but (in many cases) repair and even reverse the damage. The effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin are well documented and the mainstream media has extoled the preventive benefits of sunscreens for years. But sunscreens do not block all the earth's UV…

April 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Face Reality Skincare
  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Repechage
