Coral Produces Sunscreen Compounds with Potential for Human Use

Written by Christian Nordqvist Source: Medical News Today
Natural sunscreen compounds produced by coral to protect from UV rays could eventually be used for making human sunscreens, researchers from King's College London revealed. The scientists, who discovered the new natural sunscreen compounds, are uncovering the biochemical and genetic processes behind their production. They believe they will eventually be able to recreate them synthetically, leading to new types of sunscreens for human usage.

New Sunscreen Labeling Requirements

Written by U.S. Food and Drug Administration
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it will require new labeling for sunscreens to identify products that are best for reducing the risk of skin cancer, early skin aging and helping to prevent sunburn. Under the new rule, sunscreens that protect against both ultraviolet A rays (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays can be labeled "Broad Spectrum." UVB rays and UVA rays both can…

A New Light on UV

Written by Tina Zillmann
Within the past 10 years there has been a new awakening for sun care. Tanned bodies and naturally high-lighted hair was the sign of beauty because it symbolized recreation and free time as the majority of jobs were indoors and pale skin was a sign of labor. My how times have changed; tanning beds are out and sunscreen is now in! As professional skin care…

Sun Damage Repair

Written by Louis Silberman
As Jack Frost nips at our noses, it is a common tradition for families to escape to higher elevations for vacations in the snowy landscape. Unfortunately, with temperatures dropping and swim suit weather long gone, it is easy to forget about the dangers of sun exposure and importance of wearing sunscreen. What most people do not know is that UV rays during the winter are…
When the drug review began over 30 years ago, the focus was predominantly on UVB protection or sunburn protection. The recommendation was skin that was unprotected would cause skin cancer and premature aging. So, chemist began formulating sun blocks and sunscreens that touted an SPF (sun protection factor) claiming that by applying these solutions one could stay engaged in outdoor activities longer without damaging the…

September 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Circadia by Dr. Pugliese
  • Skin Script
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
