Sunday, 25 February 2007 14:01

10 Keys to Success

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Dear Readers and Fans,
As we all know, the profession of aesthetics is all about embracing progress both internally and in the world of technology. And, as we encourage positive change in our clients so must DERMASCOPE work to update and improve what it bring to its many loyal subscribers. For 2007 the editors have planned a new and refreshing format for educational content and feature stories, a decision I heartily applaud! Ah, but new additions often require sacrificing certain traditions and this upcoming revamp of DERMASCOPE is no exception. So, with regret and relief I announce that this is the final installment of the monthly Business Solutions column.

When I say regret it is over the joy and honor that I've had in bringing the best of spa and skin care business insights to an appreciative audience. The relief comes from removing one of the copious deadlines I face each month! How I will grieve the loss of Saundra's routine e-mail reminder: Douglas, not to be a pest but WHERE IS MY BUSINESS ARTICLE??? I just don't know how I'll get on without the pressure!
And so, look for an article from yours truly in DERMASCOPE from time to time when I find a burning subject driving me back to the keyboard. Meanwhile, I hope this column has helped some of you gain valuable insights, techniques, and income as you grow and improve your career. Remember, the most important keys to success as an aesthetician are:
1. Be realistic: dream but keep your feet on the ground!
2. Be patient: growth takes time! Need it all now? Get a voodoo doll but you'll still have to wait for it to get around to helping you, if it wants to.
3. Maintain a positive outlook: a miserable disposition does not attract customers, just pity and loneliness.
4. Don't indulge in problems or those of others: there is no perfect career, employer, or economy. Make the most of what you receive.
5. Improve something about yourself and your work - everyday.
6. Set goals and commit to fulfilling them. No one will do it for you.
7. Share your knowledge with others. Believe me, it rewards you back!
8. Work on building up your confidence and self-esteem, then charge what your services are really worth!
9. Think like a businessperson. Controlling time and expense is critical to your career success. Fail to do this and you'll work hard for very little.
10. Set work boundaries. Do it all of the time and it becomes all that you are! Kiss you kids, surprise your romantic one, walk your dog, write your friends, give something away, step out of line, write a journal or blog.
That should just about do it.
I'd like to thank my good friends Will and Pat Strunk for the opportunity to bring this column to you for the past year and a handful of months. They've worked about as tirelessly as anyone I know of to advance the cause of professional skin care and promote excellent business skills. Plus, they're a lot of fun at a dinner table! Saundra Brown is one of the best things to happen to DERMASCOPE since they stopped printing it by hand. She's a kind and dedicated professional that makes sure you get a great publication worth reading. She's even funny, too! And, Amanda Strunk, the little girl that peppered me with 15 consecutive cell phone calls just to see what I'd do, will probably one day turn the magazine into the world's hottest fashion and gossip monthly. That is, after mom and dad are safely retired, which should be in about 12 weeks or so given their daughter! What a force in the making.
And to all of you that have sent so many wonderful letters and e-mails in support of the sometimes-challenging subjects I took on in these many articles, my deepest appreciation. You're the best! See you at the International Congress of Esthetics and Spa and, as always, never hesitate to write me personally.

Warmest wishes for your success,
Douglas Preston
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