Sensible CBD: 5 Qualities to Look for in a Superior CBD Product

Written by Steve Sakala, CEO and co-founder of Mana Artisan Botanics
CBD is becoming a sought-after inclusion in skin care regimens for its plethora of health benefits that support radiant and youthful skin. While internal consumption allows the broadest reach to the endocannabinoid system, topical use has proven to be a potent aid in reducing inflammation related to acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Additionally, it has been shown to regulate lipid production, moisturize, and support healthy skin.…
In the United States alone, one in eight individuals say they frequently or sometimes experience stress in their daily lives.1 Aestheticians can be extremely beneficial in helping reduce the psychological and physiological detriments of stress in the spa setting by creating a fast, efficient way to address both skin care and stress concerns. This article will examine the physiological effects of stress on the body…
Skin analysis is considered the most important part of a facial. Using a magnifying lamp, the aesthetician looks at a client’s tone and texture and is able to determine what skin care regimen should be used to improve skin concerns. Collagen gives skin its thick, plump appearance and elastin is what makes it snap back quickly. Is your client’s skin smooth or rough? Are there…
As if our pregnant clients don’t have enough changes happening during pregnancy – it is unlikely their skin is going to let them sail through the next several months without any surprises. Many women notice their freckles and moles may look darker, as well as odd shaped gray-brown, tan, or dark brown patches appearing on places like the forehead, upper lip, cheeks, chin, and bridge…

Bioactive Peptides: Superior Antioxidants

Written by Susan Wade, M.Ed., L.S.
Free radical damage has been a popular topic with numerous research articles since the late 1800s, but little is known about bioactive peptides playing a superior role as an antioxidant. This article will address the causes of free radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidative stress, and the damage that occurs to cells that contribute to accelerated aging and many other skin conditions. FREE RADICALS Let’s…

April 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Skin Script
  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.