Sunscreen use has slowly been increasing over the years because there is more information about the damaging effects of the sun on the skin.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just over 40% of women reported using sunscreen on their face regularly. For men, that number was much lower, falling just above 18%. This could be due to the fact that sunscreen…
The skin care market is enormous, quickly closing in on $150 billion globally, and moisturizers represent at least 10% of that. Add in an estimated 4% growth over the next few years, and you get a market segment that companies are understandably excited to participate in. Not all moisturizers are created equalthough, and when it comes to those made from mostly water, it’s possible that…
When it comes to waxing, there are so many precautions that need to be taken. This is especially important when it comes to mature clients. Skin care professionals should be cautious of things such as skin lifting, sensitivities, temperature, etcetera. Mature skin is much more fragile and thinner than most and needs to be handled with a little more tender love and care. {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18"}…
There are so many benefits of undergoing laser treatments –whether hair removal, collagen stimulation, lightening of pigmentation, and so on. Laser treatments are relatively quick and painless (for the most part) and yield great results. There are, however, some important steps to take duringtreatment sessions, especially when it comes to sun exposure and certain medications. SUN EXPOSURE It is important for the outcome of the …
Adhering to a pro-active recipe for antiaging is a multi-faceted approach that is inclusive of several factors which all play an integral role in contributing to skin health as a whole. The wealth of products that make up a skin care arsenal include diet, exercise, and general health, sun protection, environmental exposures, and physical factors, such as how one positions skin while sleeping. These are…

September 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Circadia by Dr. Pugliese
  • Face Reality Skincare
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc