This year, the oldest children of Generation Z (Gen Z) will turn 24, and these young people are well informed of the latest trends in fashion and beauty. Moreover, they are already no strangers to cosmetic procedures such as facial fillers and body contouring. With thousands of YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and TikTokers handing out beauty advice on their platforms, it is easy to see how…
Aging is inevitable and as one gets older, skin’s structure, barrier function, and its sensitivities and conditions change. The one major concern for most clients and their skin is the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is a normal part of aging; however, skin care professionals cannot help clients slow that process down by changing up their facial treatments or homecare routine. Educating clients…
There was a time when clients would spend hours in the sun trying to achieve the perfect tan –lathering on lotions and oils aimed at encouraging deep color development with no consideration for long-term skin damage and health risks. While everyone loves the idea of a suntan, skin cancer is not worth the temporary glow. Thankfully, there is growing awareness of the dangers of clients…
Sunlight produces natural energy known asultraviolet radiation. This radiation is not physically visible andthere are three types that the sun creates: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA and UVB are the only two forms of radiation with the capacity to surpass the Earth’s atmosphere and reach the surface. Both types of ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the skin in distinctive manners. UVA Causes aging Contributesto …
Warming weather means one is likely to be spending more time outdoors. Caring forskin properly in sunny weather often means pushing past preconceived notions and unclear science to make solid recommendations toclients. PEOPLE OF COLOR & SPF A very common misconception is that people with darker skin do not need to use sunscreen. While it is true that darker skin does not react to the…

October 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.
  • Epionce
  • Skin Script