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By Linda Gulla, L.E. | March 3, 2015
When treating skin conditions, it is essential for the skin care professional to have a thorough understanding of ethnicity and predisposed factors when assessing the client during the initial consultation, treating skin conditions, and determining treatment ...
By Lydia Sarfati | March 6, 2015
Sensitive skin is a broad term ranging from easily irritated skin to conditions like eczema and rosacea. Aestheticians should be able to clearly identify sensitive skin types and diagnose a plan of action to alleviate the symptoms to provide clients with ...
By Alexandra J Zani | August 31, 2015
Arecent conversation with a skin care professional revealed that she had concerns regarding her skin care practice. She expressed that she had difficulty rebooking clients. Many came once, but never called back for another appointment. As incentives, ...
By Kate O’Brien, CEO and founder of Alima Pure® | September 1, 2015
When my mother and aunt were diagnosed with breast cancer and ovarian cancer, respectively, and as I watched my children grow, I became increasingly concerned with the contaminates implicated in the health issues my family was facing and to which my children ...
By Dr Erin Madigan-Fleck | May 18, 2016
A primary consideration regarding skin sensitivities is the possibility of underlying internal factors that may provoke inflammation, such as medications and allergies. These factors often equate to both acute and chronic skin sensitization. A thorough ...
By Christine Heathman, L.M.E., L.M.T., owner and CEO of GlyMed Plus | March 21, 2016
Teenager appears to be the expressive idiom for uncontrollable hormones as adolescent bodies experience various physiological changes, including skin and body transformations. These changes can result in unwelcome acne and weight gain, which can directly ...
By Anne C. Willis, L.E., C.M.E., founder and CEO of De La Terre Skincare® | January 25, 2016
Autoimmune skin disorders are a 21st century phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the way people live their lives. Currently, about 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases, a number that is steadily rising. The role of the immune system ...
By Devon Perry | February 25, 2016
Men’s skin care is all about high performance. Insightful integration of an effective, daily regimen is as vital to improving the health of men’s skin as it is to women’s, but getting most men to do this is difficult unless the skin care professional ...
By Jeremy | March 1, 2016
Unbeknownst to many clients and even skin care professionals, genetically-modified organisms (GMO) may be lurking in skin care products. While GMOs are pretty commonplace in food, with a presence of about 60 to 70 percent in the supermarket, clients may ...
By Heather Kreider, L.E., co-owner of Makes Scents Natural Spa Line | March 9, 2016
Body wraps, with their hydrating and detoxifying benefits, provide clients’ skin with immense benefits. But, as with any other treatment, proper preparation is an absolute must. It cannot be stressed enough that preparation goes well beyond choosing exceptional ...


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