Finishing School: Aesthetics School Myths

Written by Allison Turquoise
The curriculum taught in aesthetic programs nationwide is intended to equip future aestheticians to perform professional skin treatments and provide clients with science-substantiated skin care advice. And yet, skin care misinformation and myths are at an all-time high, not only among impressionable clients as a result of trending skin care hacks and DIY TikTok tutorials but also among licensed aestheticians. In fact, in an Instagram…
There are many different types of waxes available in the marketplace today but not all waxes are made equally or with the same ingredients. Different types of waxes serve different purposes, and different added ingredients also have various underlying purposes. Becoming knowledgeable on the base ingredients and the added ingredients that compose a wax will help when selecting the right wax for a client. {mprestriction…
Dark skin is not a contraindication. As obvious as that may seem to many spa professionals, there are skin communities that still function as if clients with Fitzpatrick types IV to VI are extremely complex and even considered their own skin type. There are many myths within the professional skin care space as well as in general with clients. Being aware that these myths exist…
Skin care has seen a wide variety of advancements, from the use of retinoids and plasma to even laser treatments, but the next big scientific advancement in skin care actually comes from fat. A new process has been discovered that ethically extracts adult human stem cells from fat tissue and then uses it to produce powerful growth factor signals that help skin heal after procedures…

Beauty Sleep: How Bedding Affects Skin

Written by Gopi Balakrishnan
As licensed professionals advise clients on their linen purchases or consider their own linen needs, it is vital that they make sure to know the importance of choosing the right linen fabric for their body. In fact, sheets can impact overall health and have far-reaching environmental repercussions. With factors of this caliber, it makes sense to have the facts regarding the merits of supima cotton…

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