The Customer Is Still Always Right

Written by Mary Ann Lovre, president of Audrey Morris Cosmetics International
In an increasingly automated and impersonal world, there seems to be more of an emphasis on what technology can do and less focus on what personal contact can accomplish. While text message and e-mail reminders, online appointment bookings, and automated phone systems are helpful and have enhanced society, they all lack one essential component: the human touch. The relationships created and maintained with clients have…
Athough many clients mistakenly believe that chocolate can cause acne, they may not know that several studies have shown that dark chocolate – with 70 percent cocoa – may fight sun damage. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, a plant-based antioxidant, and has been proven to provide a number of health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart attacks.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes the appearance of raised, scaly, and red patches on the skin. Typically seen on the elbows, knees, and scalp, this non-contagious condition affects people of all ages, races, and genders. Clients with psoriasis may experience itching, burning, and stinging, along with a variety of emotional responses, including depression and embarrassment. Despite the fact that psoriasis is incurable, skin…
DO: Lightly exfoliate the skin one to two days before waxing. A gentle, physical exfoliant will help the wax to adhere to the hair rather than the skin. It is best to exfoliate a couple days before the treatment – not the day of – in order to prevent unnecessary sensitivity to pain. DON'T: Touch the freshly waxed area. After the skin is waxed, the…


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written and illustrated by Annette Tobia, Ph.D., founder and president of Dynamis Therapeutics, Inc. • Excess sugar molecules bind to protein, forming advanced glycation end products (AGEs).• In young skin, collagen and elastin are organized, flexible, and resilient.• In mature skin, AGEs bind to collagen and elastin, causing accelerated skin aging.• The average adult consumes 20 teaspoons of added sugar per day. The American Heart…

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