
Written by Suki Kramer, founder, formulator, and president  of suki® skincare
Many images that depict mindfulness or thoughtfulness often portray gorgeous people in beautiful locations and attempt to tell the viewer to relax and create beauty in their world. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of people who have time for beautiful emptiness. These images tell viewers that they should strive for a seemingly ridiculous, impossible ideal of perfection. When the viewer falls short, they often…
Do: Consult a skin care professional. Although clients may be tempted to try the latest product that is working for their friend, they should consult a professional before trying anything new. Explain to clients that only professionals can truly analyze the skin and recommend products that will be beneficial for their skin type.
A recent study led by researchers at University of Southern California (USC) discovered that "UV radiation resistance-associated gene (UVRAG)" suppresses tumors associated with skin cancer. While this gene was discovered almost 20 years ago, the researchers at USC only lately discovered how the gene works and what it does within the human body. UVRAG is now thought to play a significant role in repairing damage…

8 Little-Known Breakout Causes

Written by Jeannette Graf, M.D., director of dermatology at OMNI Aesthetics MD, NYC
Everyone knows the basic causes of breakouts. Essentially, overactive sebaceous glands pump out excess oil that then mixes with a sticky buildup of dead skin cells in the pores. The pores eventually become clogged, creating the perfect environment for breeding P.acnes, the acne-forming bacteria. The proliferation of P.acnes leads to inflammation under the skin, resulting in blemishes. Random daily habits and body changes, however, can…

Go Green, See Green: Environmentally Conscious Changes and Their Effect on Profit

Written by Antonia Schreiber, L.E., L.M.T., owner and operator of The Windham Spa
Being environmentally conscious, or green, is about much more than saving water and recycling; it is also about taking into account the reaction that every person's cumulative actions have on the environment and others. Whether utilizing reusable shopping bags or installing solar panels at home or at work, being green not only benefits the Earth, but also the spa's bottom line.

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