Problem: Age Spots Age spots, also known as liver spots, senile lentigines, solar lentigines, or sun spots, are flat gray, brown or black spots on the skin. Despite their name, these spots do not come from age. This common condition is caused by overproduction of melanin in the skin. As the result of skin aging, sun exposure, or the use of tanning beds, the melanin becomes…
The first thing that should be done when treating a cuticle is to determine the severity of the situation. Is the client bleeding? If so, treatment on the cuticle must be done. Applying a clean gauze to the wound with pressure to stop the bleeding is the first priority. Once the bleeding has stopped, the wound should be carefully cleaned with an antiseptic. A topical…
It has been a positive, forward-moving, and productive year for me. And now tradeshow season has begun. The International Congress of Esthetics and Spa kicked off in Miami last month, and this month professionals from all over the southwest are headed to Dallas. When you think of attending a tradeshow, what comes to mind? My first thoughts are the networking opportunities – catching up with…