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A Fitness Approach to Skin Care

Written by Heather Fowler, L.E.
A good personal trainer will tell you that the key to a healthy and fit body is a combination of a healthy diet and an effective exercise routine. While a personal trainer can put their clients through a series of exercises, perhaps focusing on building muscle or losing fat, a key factor in how quickly and dramatically changes will be seen will be contingent upon…
The following information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The opinions expressed by the author are based on personal experience in healing from depression and offering energy healing treatments to clients. The purpose of this article is to help you feel comfortable addressing and talking about depression – a social epidemic and the strongest risk…

Diet and Lifestyle Changes Known to Improve Skin

Written by Rachael Pontillo, L.E., B. Msc., A.A.D.P., C.H.C.
Wellness is a growing trend in the spa industry. While it began with holistic therapies such as body wraps and hydrotherapy, it has now expanded beyond facial and body treatments and into a full health and lifestyle regimen that incorporates nutrition, fitness, meditation, environmental changes, stress management techniques, and more. Most of these methods can benefit anyone, but there are some that are particularly beneficial…

Mind Matters

Written by Claudia Aguirre, Ph.D.
We are in the midst of one of the biggest movements the wellness industry has ever seen. In the beginning of 2014, TIME magazine published an article titled “The Mindful Revolution,” and 2014 has been dubbed the “year of mindful living.” The word mindfulness has been so pervasive in the media and social networks that you would think the biggest buzzword of the year was…

Bath Therapies

Written by
Hydrotherapy, derived from the Greek words hydro and therapeia, meaning water and healing, is the application of water, either internally or externally, for the treatment of physical or psychological dysfunction. Bathing in water has been considered healing since the beginning of recorded time and across many cultures, from Hippocrates in the fourth and fifth centuries B.C., who used hot and cold water to treat a…

April 2024

Wellness Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Circadia by Dr. Pugliese
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.
  • Face Reality Skincare