Cheryl Chapman is a pioneer in massage for cancer and mastectomy. A registered nurse since 1965, certified in massage in 1988, she combined her extensive nursing experience of 23 years as an oncology nurse, hospice, HIV/AIDS, cardiac, and postpartum nurse with her wide-ranging knowledge of massage and produced a comprehensive hands-on training program. Cheryl is a breast health advocate, teacher, and national lecturer on breast…
This October, both skin care professionals and clients will be overwhelmed with pink ribbons in support of breast cancer awareness. As more and more products and companies pop up with pink ribbons, skin care professionals should be aware of the distraction that they can cause. While the pink ribbon was originally designed to draw attention to the women and men who courageously fight breast cancer,…
There is an old myth that massage therapy and other skin care treatments can encourage cancer metastasis. While this statement is untrue, what exactly is metastasis? Metastasis is the manner by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. Twenty to 30 percent of people who are initially diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer will develop metastatic breast cancer, also called stage IV breast…

Beauty Cocktails

Written by Melissa Picoli, L.E., product formulator and consultant at
A glass or two of something delicious and a little naughty can help create a more delightful ambiance for a spa’s party! With a little extra care and creativity, you can go beyond bubbly and wine and wow your guests.
The number of people affected by melanoma, the most deadly skin cancer in the United States, is consistently rising. It is commonly diagnosed in people under age 30. Dr. Hui Tsou, dermatopathologist and assistant medical director of Acupath Laboratories, offers five tips that skin care professionals can share with clients to help detect melanoma while it is still treatable.

April 2024

Wellness Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.