Sharlean Windus

Sharlean Windus

The Sound of Skin Care: Sound Healing and the Spa

Sound healing has been used for thousands of years in varying modalities and techniques to promote healing. Our physical bodies hold a vibration, a frequency, which is unique to each person. Every organ in the body, as well as each chakra in the human energy system, holds its own unique frequency. When our body and energy system encounter desirable vibrational frequencies, it can cause several healing shifts to occur, including chakra balancing, stabilized alpha brain waves, relaxation, and stress release.


There are a variety of sound healing techniques that can be integrated into a wellness practice that will affect the seven major chakras in the human energy system. The chakras regularly expand and contract, while transmitting and storing energy and responding to outside influences, including sound. Each chakra connects to a layer of the auric field, which is considered to be the human energy field. The chakras all contain a vowel, color, and musical note. When using sound healing, you will essentially affect clearing energy blockages, while harmonizing and balancing energies within the chakras and the auric field.


Here are the chakras and sound definitions.




Located on top of the head, the crown chakra governs universal wisdom, openness, and universal connection. This chakra extends and connects to the first layer of the auric field which is commonly referred to as the casual layer of the energetic aura. This layer acts as the seal or protection on the entire energy field. The musical note “B” represents this chakra and using sound tools that have this resonance helps to clear, balance, and harmonize.




Located between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra governs intuitive sight, the Clair senses, also called psychic senses, and extends and connects to the celestial layer of the auric field where the manifestation and spiritual planes exist. When using sound tools with the “A” note, it connects this chakra enhancing connection to the spiritual plane.




This chakra is located at the base of the throat governing communication and how we speak our authentic truth. The throat chakra extends into the etheric template of the auric field, which is said to hold the blueprint for our entire selves. When using sound tools with the throat chakra note “G,” the sound will effectively penetrate this chakra supporting energetic release and balance to occur.




Located in the middle of the chest and governing the energies of the body and energy field, this chakra contains unconditional love, self-love, and how we express and connect to love. The auric layer this chakra connects is commonly referred to as the astral layer, creating the bridge to the head-heart connection. A sound healing tool with the note “F” allows open space in this chakra and support balance.




Located right above the navel, this chakra is our power center where self-esteem, ambition, confidence, and personal strength are stored. This auric layer connects to the mental layer where thoughts form. The “E” note represents this chakra. Using sound tools with this note will help to strengthen, shift, and restore balance.




The sacral chakra sits right below the navel, governing relationships, intimacy, creativity, and joy. It also connects to the emotional layer of the auric field. Sound healing tools with the note “D” help to balance, align, and harmonize this energy center.




The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and governs our connection to the physical place, safety, survival, and security. Connecting to the physical layer of the aura, using any sound tool with the note “C” helps ground, center, and stabilize energies.




To perform a sound healing session, you can be creative and use one or more sound tool to implement sound healing into your wellness practice as a stand-alone service or add-on to a facial or massage.


Sound healing tools include crystal singing pyramids, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, and tuning forks.


Transport a client into a relaxed state of well-being by beginning a sound healing session using a crystal singing bowl or a Tibetan singing bowl. Play the sound within the bowl for two minutes to clear the low vibrating energies of the room and client. Use tuning forks to balance the chakras, follow with gentle, soothing sounds of chimes to soften the energy, and create a blissfully peaceful environment.


If sound healing leaves you wanting to know more, look in your area for sound healing classes at local metaphysical stores, energy healing practices, online webinars, seminars, and local workshops.



Sharlean WindusSharlean Windus is a spa educator, aesthetician, and reiki master teacher. Passionate about health and wellness, Windus has dedicated her lifestyle and career to teaching others about holistic skin care and mindful living. Fluent in all aspects of the spa industry, Windus is a seasoned aesthetician who has worked as a spa manager, owner, and educator. Windus is currently working at Classique Spa in Seattle, Washington. and leads monthly Reiki classes. You can also watch her videos on reiki on YouTube and, in her free time, you can find her blogging on her wellness website. She is currently finishing her first holistic skin care book.

A Touch of Healing: Incorporating Reiki into the Spa

The spa industry offers multi-faceted services that range from traditional wax treatments to complete holistic skin care; however, gone are the days when clients just want a facial or massage. They now expect services that provide them with multilevel results, combining luxury, beauty, and a therapeutic approach to the mind and body connection. These days, professionals want to be on the forefront of offering services that leave clients with the tools to integrate a restorative spa experience into their daily life, complementing the mental and physical connection with an emphasis on skin care. Reiki is a treatment that offers just that.
Reiki is a service for clients who are looking for a multisensory experience that focuses on health and wellness. Reiki translates to universal life force energy, similar to qi or prana – terms often used in yoga, acupuncture, and Chinese medicine. As a natural, Japanese healing and holistic system, anyone can receive a reiki session and most people can become certified to perform reiki.
Once clients are exposed to the benefits of reiki, they will leave feeling renewed and eager to come back for more than just products and routine services. While there are many different versions of reiki practices available, each with their unique essential benefits, Usui Shiki Ryoho is the most traditional form of reiki. Developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, reiki is gaining popularity and is being used, not only in spa settings, but also in many hospitals and clinics across America. The amazing thing about reiki is that it can be done anytime, anywhere, and is an excellent support to spa, medical, or holistic services.


Chakra translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit and has been identified as energy centers in the body that store energy as well as give and receive energy. Reiki harnesses the body’s energy and attempts to distribute it in various points, encouraging the connection of mind, body, and spirit. When chakras are stagnant, have blockages, or are out of balance, reiki can help bring calm back in the entire system.
The chakras connect directly to the body, mind, and energy so when they are restored, clients feel invigorated on all levels. Reiki can be used to support surgery, illness, anxiety, and insomnia, to name a few benefits, but is also recommended as a complement to medical care, therapy, or spa services.
The reiki practitioner or reiki master (the title depends on the level of reiki earned) may use traditional Usui reiki, where just the laying of hands is used in various, specific positions on the body, or the reiki practitioner may add elements like mantras, symbols, and guided imagery. Clients remain fully clothed for the service and practitioners may sometimes use aromatherapy, sound therapy – like singing bowls, tuning forks, or chimes – and chakra balancing crystals to support the sensory experience. The full reiki service usually takes about an hour, but can also be condensed into a 15-minute add-on that can be added to a menu as a chakra tune-up or reiki boost.



To become reiki-certified, professionals can find reiki master instructors online who offer classes in their region. The training varies in length from one weekend to several months, depending on the style of reiki being taught and the level of reiki training the professional wants to achieve. Reiki level one teaches the basics of energy flow and how to use reiki as self-treatment. Reiki level two teaches distance, or remote reiki, and advanced training on how to perform reiki on others. Reiki level three is master level reiki and teaches how to use crystals to support reiki sessions, including the reiki crystal grid. Professionals may be able to learn the basics of reiki in one weekend and be certified to perform reiki, but to truly develop skills and become a seasoned reiki practitioner, they should devote more than a weekend of training. It is important to be diligent in research before signing up to take a reiki class, to ensure finding the best fit. Look for a teacher who recommends a minimum of two months’ time between each reiki level attunement and level of reiki training or who offers apprenticeships and additional training once certified, to help develop reiki skills.

Deciphering Diversity: Catering Approach to Various Crowds

Learning how to immediately identify a new client’s personality type can gain professionals a lifetime customer by anticipating their needs and exceeding their expectations. There are a plethora of places where potential clients can receive facials or other spa services, but they will repeatedly return if a professional gives them an experience that wows them. Building a rapport with clients and understanding their skin care needs intrisicaly are crucial elements in developing a relationship. The more educated professionals become in reading body language, identifying basic personality types, and noticing distinct behavioral qualities within a person, the better they can customize services. Furthering education in the psychological aspects of why a person invests in services or products will not only help in the work place, but these are helpful skills that can be transferred into home life, friendships, and family, too. These skills can help professionals understand why someone might invest in a friendship or how to handle a family member who is challenging because they now understand what behaviors feed which personality types.

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Maximize the Client’s Experience With Bodywork Wellness Certifications

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July 2024

Skin Care Blogs

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