With cannabidiol (CBD) rapidly growing as an industry, there has been an overwhelming amount of information on the market that can be confusing to navigate as a newcomer. CBD has been recognized to support the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to keep the body in homeostasis. Confusion surrounding CBD relates to the difference between using it topically versus consuming it. Ideally, the closer CBD can be to…
Cannabidiol (CBD) infused beauty products are rapidly saturating the skin care industry. Small, boutique lines were the first to pave the way, bringing awareness to the consumer of the benefits of CBD. Today, major skin care brands are rolling out their versions, touting their elixir- like qualities across the United States in grocery stores, gas stations, truck stops, and even multi-level-marketing (MLM) enterprises. To the…
Antioxidants are essential nutrients that provide enormous health benefits to all parts of the body including the skin. When free radicals meet oxygen in the body, they play a role in protecting skin against ultraviolet radiation and other oxidative reactions. Imagine for a moment a metal object that sits out in the rain. If it does not have a protective coat or is sheltered from…
We all experience those clients who love coming in for facials every month, yet never seem to find the time to stick to their skincare routines. As aestheticians, those clients are frustrating, so how about…
Most individuals have heard how essential oils can be used to reduce stress. Most skin care professionals are likely familiar with oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus to promote calming and relaxation benefits that soothe and ease tension. Many are already familiar with these aromatic scents andyou may have already used some of them.Perhaps these oils have been used in bathing products like bath salts,…

April 2024

Wellness Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Skin Script
  • Epionce
  • DMK Skin Revision Center