Round 1: Visualizing Victory

Written by Delilah Matos
Visualizing success can easily be viewed with skepticism. However, keep in mind that for generations, it has been a common practice among athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. Many have been using visualization as a way to reach their goals. As a successful skin care entrepreneur, these same principles are no different. To tackle round one towards the first steps of success, professionals must visualize victory. In…
The stratum corneum is the skin’s barrier and is the top layer of the epidermis. In the epidermis, keratinocyte stem cells reside in the basal layer, which is the lowest layer of the stratified epithelia. These cells divide further and differentiate as they move upwards in the epidermis towards the stratum corneum. Found within the stratum corneum are corneocytes which are dead keratin-filled squamous cells…

Relax Clients, Not Standards

Written by Susan Preston
A spa should be a relaxing place for all clients. Women and men enjoy being pampered and taking a break from stress. As life becomes more hectic, the role of the skin care professional is to provide a haven where people can slow down for a short period and be the center of attention. To give clients the best experience, professionals should not become relaxed…
Monday, 31 December 2018 12:26

Avoiding the Off-Season Lull – Tips for Marketing Wax Services in the Winter

Written by Lindsay Miller
With winter upon us, the cooler weather brings about cozy sweaters, long pants, and, often, little desire for clients to keep up with their waxing services. With the change in season, getting dressed each morning now requires layer upon layer of clothing and no perceived need for hair removal services. Here are some tips and tricks to educate clients and keep them coming back, even…
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is a well- known quote that applies to almost any situation in life, but it is especially true in business. If you’re going to succeed in business, you’ll need money – a lot at first (startup capital) and, then, you’ll need a steady stream of money flowing in on a regular basis (cash flow). To make…

MAY 2024

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