Facelifts are up! Data released by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery shows that in 2017, non-surgical skin tightening increased by 15.1 percent. Face lifts ranked sixth in the surgical category, up 21.8 percent from 2016. So, how can aestheticians’ services be a part of this trend? Since many clients prefer less invasive face-lifting options, it is important to make some changes in facial…
When asked what comes to mind when thinking of the spa industry, many would answer with words such as “wellness,” “relaxation,” and “health.” Ideally, these are the very objectives that sit atop the priority lists of spa owners, massage therapists, and anyone else providing in-house services for their clients. These are reasons why many professionals go into this business in the first place – to…
To understand how inhibitor peptides are able to alter pigmentation, it is imperative to understand how melanin is produced within the skin, what causes the overproduction of melanin (hyperpigmentation), and how peptides can play a key role in the regulation of melanin production. HOW THE SKIN PRODUCES MELANINMelanogenisis begins when tyrosine, an amino acid, is stimulated by the pituitary gland and attaches to an enzyme,…

Year-Round Success: A Guide to Seasonal Body Treatments

Written by Heather J. Kreider, L.E., R.N.
While it is true that seasonal treatments are here today and gone tomorrow, they can deliver a lasting impact on a spa’s reputation and revenue potential. Visits to spas and resorts often fluctuate according to the time of year and a spa’s location. So, when visits wane, offering unique, seasonally-inspired treatments services to the menu can attract guests that are yearning for something fresh and…

Baby Got Back Treatments

Written by Amra Lear, L.E., L.M.T.
Looking into the mirror, body parallel to its reflection, the eyes target a disturbance to the integumentary system. Focused solely on the pigmented eruption that surfaced over night as the mind danced in dream and its limbs shifted by unconscious movement, the day begins with a systemic response to check for more unwarranted changes. The eyes scan both body and skin for what they can…

April 2024

Body Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Epionce
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • Skin Script
