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Hard Wax Hair Removal Protocol

Hard wax, which is also known as hot wax, is a type of depilatory wax that is applied directly to the skin and removed without a strip. It is perfect for sensitive areas of the body, such as the underarms, face, and bikini area. The benefits of using a quality hot wax include the ability to remove short, stubborn hair; ease of use; and reduced redness and irritation of the skin.


The Roots of Waxing

Hair removal may not be considered the most glamourous aspect of the aesthetic industry, but it is one of the most lucrative. While there are many areas within the industry that may seem more glamourous, such as makeup or tanning, the reality is that hair removal is relevant to both female and male clients and is generally seen as a necessity rather than a luxury.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017 11:47

An Introduction To Hair Removal 2017

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Hair removal can be achieved either through depilation, which removes the hair above the skin's surface, or epilation, which removes the hair from under the
skin's surface.

Thursday, 19 May 2016 09:20

10 Things About...Waxing

Written by   Lydia Jordane

Waxing dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who removed unwanted body hair by formulating a wax made with beeswax. Although beeswax is still an important part of quality depilatory waxes, a quality wax relies on more than just beeswax to be suitable and effective in removing hair. Today, premium waxes are typically made from beeswax, quality resins, and aromatherapy oils.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016 09:40

The Couple’s Guide to Waxing Before the Honeymoon

Written by   Caroline Surprenant, marketing associate at CONAIR

Waxing for the first time is no walk in the park. Honeymoon memories haunted by flashbacks of painful chafing, bumps, or ingrown hairs can be avoided with a little planning.

When a couple decides to wax, especially if it is the first time for either one of them, the first service should be scheduled at least six to eight weeks before the honeymoon. This early appointment will give the couple enough time to get at least two waxes before the honeymoon.

Monday, 25 January 2016 12:29

A Step-by-Step: The Whole Pot of Wax

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Triple filtered, aromatic, enviro-conscious. Wax has come a long way from the icky-sticky, burnt, rubber-scented resin that was first made available on the market. With so many variations (cream, gel, hard, soft, and roll-on) and sugaring hair removal making a comeback from the 1800s, offering epilation services can be enticing. Yet, with hair removal businesses hitting the market with the resolve of offering this singular service, professionals cannot afford not rendering the convenience of waxing to their client base, both men and women.

An Introduction to Hair Removal

Hair removal is a practice that has been a part of human history since ancient times, and maybe even before! As time passes and trends come and go, technology has advanced and refined different hair-removal techniques, including threading, laser, and electrolysis. In addition to knowing about the different forms of hair removal, it is important for professionals to understand hair growth patterns and the role it plays in hair removal treatments. It is also beneficial to be able to identify different types of hair.


Sugar... Not Just for Coffee Anymore

by Lina Kennedy A couple of decades ago, offering cream and sugar for anything other than coffee or tea would have sounded quite ridiculous! But in today’s realm of aesthetics and cosmetics promoting coffee and chocolate to soothe even the jitteriest skin, or offering sugar as a real hair removal solution to an age-old problem is very realistic. And as post treatment, applying a good…

Current Options for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Nearly half a million procedures were performed in 2013, according to the most recent data from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, and that figure does not include procedures performed by non-dermatologists. As there are now more options for laser hair removal than ever, it is important to select the right modality for each client.


How to Perfect the Waxing Experience for Your Clients

Waxing can be an effective and lucrative means of hair removal for a spa. In fact, according to a study done by the American Laser Centers, women who wax will spend an average of $23,000 on hair removal in a lifetime. From my own experience, I have estimated my total waxing costs to be $72,000! That is a segment on which beauty businesses cannot afford to miss out. However, in the skin care industry, not all waxing services are created equal; one bad review on a spa’s social media page could jeopardize its waxing business. If you choose to offer waxing services to clients, it is imperative that you do so in the most professional manner.


Special Considerations for Hair Reduction

A woman may learn about the many signs of perimenopause from her doctor, mother, and/or peers with the most talked-about topics being hot flashes, weight gain, libido, and mood swings – not the beard or moustache they are growing! Women attempt many different strategies to hide or minimize unsightly and embarrassing hair growth, with an increasing trend towards laser hair removal. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over one million laser hair reduction procedures were performed in 2013, ranking it fourth in popularity with other minimally-invasive procedures, including chemical peels and microdermabrasion.


Laser Versus Intense Pulsed Light

In the world of beauty, the term “laser hair removal” has come to encompass a variety of techniques that remove unwanted hair by zapping it away with the use of a light source. When cosmetic lasers were first cleared by the FDA for permanent hair reduction in the late 1990s, it sparked a new trend in the beauty industry and brought the term “laser hair removal” into popular culture. However, not every form of light-based technology used for permanent hair reduction is actually a laser. Additionally, even within the laser category, there are different types of laser beams with different wavelengths and properties. Knowing about different types of light-based hair removal technologies, and how they work, will allow you to provide your best professional service to your clients and help them achieve the best results.


Three Things Every Waxer Should Know

Believe it or not, the average spa client is savvy on procedures. They know what characteristics to look for in a service provider and will try everything from shaving to laser hair removal to get the results they desire. The question is: are you helping them achieve their goals? Clients want the best eyebrow, bikini or back wax; you want to be the go-to spa for a flawless hair removal procedure. But what makes one aesthetician or wax technician stand out among the masses? They perform concise consultations at every service and they know their clientele. In my experience as a spa owner, operator and educator, I believe that every aesthetic professional who wants to excel in hair removal services should have adept knowledge in three prominent client concerns: growth patterns and changes, ingrown hair management, and age appropriate waxing.


April 2024

Body Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Epionce
  • Face Reality Skincare
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.

Hair Removal