A clinical researcher and caregiver at heart, he teamed up with his father to bring a new twist to western skin care. Dr. Steven Q. Wang, M.D., co-founder of Dr.…
In the height of a successful career, a walk on the beach inspired him to change directions. Walking on the beach in Hawaii, contemplating his fast-approaching 50th birthday, Patrick Johnson,…
For spas who would like to offer options for treating minor skin irregularities, such as clogged pores, skin tags, sebaceous hyperplasia, and so forth, specialty equipment can be a good option and an alternative to larger or more expensive types of equipment. Before purchasing specialty equipment for the spa, it is important to consider a number of factors in order to ensure the best option…
When it comes to masks, there are so many products available on the market today that it can be overwhelming to know where to begin when choosing the right product. A few considerations, like ingredient quality, purpose, and ease of ordering can help make the decision easier. First, and perhaps foremost, to ensure a superior product is chosen and that it will provide the best…
Choosing acne products must begin with education about acne. In order to have an effective treatment, today’s aesthetician must choose acne products that treat the causes of acne, rather than just the symptoms. The causes include increased sebum production, irritation, and blockage of the pilosebaceous follicles and the presence of P. acnes bacteria. Study product ingredients and consider using natural ingredients, when possible. Plant extracts…