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By Elina Fedotova, L.E | June 27, 2014
... However, the latest genomic methods of analyzing skin care formulations allow researchers to determine an ingredients’ effectiveness in sometimes less than 50 hours. Scientists observe the expression of different genes that regulate the biological processes ...
By Amanda Miller | May 27, 2014
Have you had a chance to attend a tradeshow this year? What about a local seminar, workshop or online webinar? In a profession like ours, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest education, developments and trends. Seminars, workshops, and webinars ...
By Danielle Malka | May 30, 2014
... that men’s overall skin care needs are vastly different than women’s needs. This is largely due to hormonal influences. Not only do men have facial hair, there are structural differences between a man’s skin and a woman’s skin. Androgen (testosterone) ...
By Whitney Johnson | June 27, 2014
... the dermis, texture changes, or even long term erythema and wounding to the skin. Again, wait until the client has tested the treatment to go more aggressive.While high concentrations of glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) have for a long time ...
By Michael Q. Pugliese, L.E. | June 27, 2014
... metabolism, estrogen and testosterone production, metabolize neurotransmitter, and to detoxify free radical production. Besides these duties, they also break down (oxidize) the fat, protein, and carbohydrates we eat and drink.Essentially, for our purposes, ...
By Jeremy Lawrence | June 27, 2014
... and effective form of hair removal to help rid clients of unwanted body hair.” Kathleen Carney, CEO of Skin Blends LLC “Excess facial hair has been a problem for many women worldwide forever. I think this client should have her doctor do a hormone test ...
By Irena James | June 27, 2014
... extracts, and plant stem cells, just to name a few. Marketing experts have been very vocal about the presence of these ingredients in their products, touting trade names and percentages and enticing clients with proven test results and “before and after” ...
By Jeremy Lawrence | September 3, 2014
... suite with a private bathtub. The Arany gym is equipped with the latest fitness technology and offers a range of traditional and innovative full-body movements. Hydrating Solution Facial Developed by dermatologist and scientist Dr. Sheldon Pinnell, SkinCeuticals ...
By Craig Kraffert, board certified dermatologist and president of Amarte | September 4, 2014
... everything from bleeding to gastrointestinal problems to cancer. Several Korean and Chinese traditional medical books, including the Donguibogam, have written about its efficacy, stating, “It is effective for a person who has pain due to development ...
By | December 23, 2014
... significant. The cause is attributed to decreased estrogen.2 This hormone stimulates a blood protein called SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). SHBG absorbs and captures (deactivates) any male hormones such as testosterone or DHEA which circulate in ...


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