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By Lauren Balukonis, senior account executive at Behrman Communications | November 21, 2016
The first use of cosmetics dates back to the ancient Egyptians and their use of kohl. They painted this early makeup around their eyes not only to enhance appearance, but also to ward off the evil eye and dangerous spirits. Cleopatra was also said to ...
By Michelle Richardson, L.E. | November 21, 2016
Aestheticians are considered licensed makeup artists, however, very few skin care professionals take advantage of that title. Studies show that most women wish they were more skilled at applying their own makeup. Statistics show that the retail cosmetic ...
By Jeremy | December 28, 2016
Trendsetters give insight on the tools they recommend for exfoliation. DefenAge Skincare Medical Advisory Board MemberVivian Bucay"I like DefenAge's 2-Minute Reveal Masque because it is simple; fast; acid- and irritation-free; and instantly softens, ...
By Sheilah Fulton, L.E., B.S., M.B.A., aesthetics instructor | December 27, 2016
Lipstick shades can define a client's personality and set forth their image to the world. Their shade of lipstick should enhance their wardrobe and allow their personality to shine. The choice of color they select can lift their spirits, motivate them, ...
By Deanna Latson | December 27, 2016
The body is an amazing machine, but it requires the proper fuel to function at optimal levels. Food provides fuel for the body and the type of fuel a person gives their body can mean the difference between enjoying a healthy, vital life or struggling ...
By Michelle De Leon | January 26, 2017
I hope everyone is already feeling the healthy, inspiring, positive energy of 2017! Mother Nature kicked off the New Year in Texas with a taste of winter, but only for a quick minute! With the cold weather, however, comes dry skin. Be prepared for clients ...
By Amra Lear L E | September 19, 2016
In 1910, while working in France at a family-owned cosmetic laboratory – mainly for the development of perfumes – French chemist and scholar, Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, received a third degree burn on his hand and forearm. Looking for the nearest cooling ...
By Hannah Hatcher, L.E., global educator for jane iredale | August 23, 2016
The skin care industry revolves around health and self-care, therefore, it is only fitting that skin care professionals support breast cancer awareness in their spas at all times during the year. There are multiple avenues to spreading awareness. Many ...
By Jeremy Lawrence | April 1, 2016
Trendsetters give insight on the tools they recommend for teens. BioPhotas, Inc. Clinical EducatorBrenda B. Smith “Celluma LED blue light therapy has been very effective in treating acne in my teenage clients. I see results after the first application, ...
By Krissa Gordon, L.E., L.E.I. | May 18, 2016
Jennifer is a seasonally-motivated client between October and March. She uses every product and receives every treatment her skin care professional recommends, including peels, laser, microneedling, and retinoids. She has the commitment of a professional ...


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