Sun exposure is something everyone needs to stay healthy. Soaking in the warm sun is a relaxing way to enjoy a vacation, but how much sun is too much? With summer in full affect, it is time to consider the truth surrounding the old wives' tale of sun exposure being beneficial for acne.
Almost a decade ago, there was a client that would come to the spa with a whiskey in one hand and an unlit cigar in the other. Although he would not drink the alcohol during the treatment or light up his cigar to smoke, it became his spa ritual. On numerous occasions, he was asked to discard of his glass cup and half chewed cigar…

Fact or Fiction: Bar Soap Ages the Skin

Written by Janel Luu, founder and CEO of Le Mieux Cosmetics
Bar soap is often summarily judged and misunderstood as the villain that hijacks skin's natural moisture factor, leading to signs of aging. However, many bar soaps have undergone a metamorphosis due to formulations that make them anti-aging heroes for many skin conditions.

Gearing Up for 2018

Written by Amanda Strunk Miller
For most people, the word summer brings about enjoyable thoughts, treasured memories, and anticipated vacations. For the staff at DERMASCOPE – and more specifically, the editorial team – the word summer brings about brainstorming and planning for new ideas in preparation for the upcoming editorial calendar year. The year may be only half over, but we are already gearing up for 2018!

What’s your recipe for broken capillaries?

Written by Erin Lucie, D.N.P., clinical director with CryoMed Clinic
Broken capillaries are inefficient, useless vessels. These tiny, web-like vessels can appear anywhere on the body, but are predominately present on the face and legs, which can make clients extremely self-conscious. When treating broken capillaries, it is important to first work with existing capillaries; avoid treatments that exacerbate them and use products that will prevent them.