Online Exclusives

Written by Amanda Strunk-Miller
I’m sure by now it is apparent that we have updated quite a few department designs in the magazine for 2018. While many of the pages feature new content elements, several departments just got a mini face lift! It’s a fresh look to start the year off right.
There are numerous causes of acne, but a facial treatment is definitely not one of them. The intention of an aesthetician performing a deep cleansing facial procedure is to facilitate the purging of breakout-causing dead skin cells and impurities that sit inside the pores. There are different types of acne triggers with different severity levels. Some common causes of acne include stress, diet, hormone fluctuations,…
Sleep is a time to recover, repair, and restore damage to the body that is created from the stresses of the day. In response to stress, people produce more cortisol. High levels of cortisol suppress serotonin, the hormone needed for sleep, thereby preventing the body from shutting down and going into a deep sleep.
DERMASCOPE is introducing many new features in 2018 – a new website, new departments, new designs, new article themes… But I must admit that there is one fresh feature for 2018 that I have hardly been able to keep quiet about: our new editorial advisory board! We have had several advisory boards in the past, but, this time around, I have re-written the script and…
People are curious by nature and, for the most part, the more they know, the more likely they are to either try something new, make recommendations to friends and family, or become repeat customers. Taking advantage of this observation in the treatment room is a must for anyone looking to obtain loyal, well-informed customers who truly appreciate the professional’s work. It also does not hurt…