Shelley Hancock

Shelley Hancock

Foster City California

What's your recipe for explaining the damaging effects of sun exposure to teenagers who love to tan?

I grew up with a swimming pool in my backyard. Every summer during my teenage years, my girlfriends and I would spend our days out by the pool. My friends loved to bake in the sun with baby oil. I was too active to lie there for very long and I believe that was my saving grace.

10 Things About Hiring Staff

I purchased my first skin care center just a little over a year after taking my state boards. I barely knew how to be a good aesthetician, non-the-less a good business owner! But for some wonderful reason, running a business came naturally to me and my business grew very fast. But hiring staff? That was a totally different experience! I was not a natural at all. There is definitely an art to interviewing and hiring the right person. Here is what I have learned from trial and error over my 25 years in this industry.