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Serums have a fundamentally different function than creams. Serums are meant to penetrate and interact with the skin where as a cream is meant to form a protective barrier on the skin. A true serum is thinner in viscosity, has a smaller molecule which delivers nutrients or other active ingredients. If properly formulated serums fulfill their intention and interact with the skin in a fundamental…

Men's Skin Care

Does a man's skin contrast enough to require different treatment? Yes and no. Men typically have a thicker dermis and epidermis, higher sensitivity, produce more sebum, and have larger pores than women. Their pH is also more acidic, and they tend to form a greater number of deeper facial lines and hyperpigmentation issues. Additionally, men continually battle a number of skin challenges as a result…

Worth a Look - January 2012

Bio Jouvance Paris now re-invents Bio Advance Skin Repair with their exclusive Gammotherapy and the technological breakthrough known as the Biogaphyt™ concept. This treatment reduces signs of aging, and past skin damages caused by every environmental assault. 800-272-1716, www.biojouvance.com or RR # 128 This newly reformulated Skin Hydrating Masque for dermalogica® contains a unique cross-linked hyaluronic acid which traps moisture to deliver time-released hydration for…

Acne: Causes and Solutions

Of all the skin conditions that lead consumers to seek treatment, acne is, by far, the most common. A chronic, inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous units (hair follicles and their sebaceous gland), acne affects between 40 and 50 million people in the U.S. alone.1 Today, countless products and therapies exist to treat acne, the largest sector of which is topical treatments – both prescription and…