The Camera Doesn't Blink: How to Master On-Camera Interviews – Part 1

When you watch television news and talk shows, do you think to yourself, “I would love to be on television” or “I would be terrified on television” Most of my clients agree with the latter. However, after that first appearance, they nearly always say the segment went quickly, easily, and was fun. Going on-camera is worth the effort for the local and regional exposure, timeliness,…

Choosing Your Platform: Part Two

When planning story angles with clients, there are times I will comment that a certain angle would be great for television or that a specific product could be in a magazine’s beauty round-up. With many communications platforms to choose from, pitch angles are not one-size-fits-all. It takes creativity, connections, and experience to know where and how to pitch stories. This article is the second in…

Video Marketing: A powerful tool for reaching your audience

“Video is critical to telling your story, reaching your audience and most importantly, telling the world how you’re different,” says Jason Parmer, creative director for Dapper. Parmer and I have been producing video projects together for more than eight years. We have created three shows that aired on PBS nationally and, between us, have received five Emmy nominations. We know the power of video for…

Content Creation is King: How and Why to use Content to Grow your Wellness Business

Does your business actively post on social media? Do you blog? Have an e-newsletter? How about creating videos about your spa or skin care practice? It’s likely you answered yes to at least one of those questions, and maybe all four. Guess what you are doing? Creating content. Now, more than ever, content is king. Why is content creation important? Your leads, clients, potential partners,…

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