Skin by Sharon 

Skin by Sharon is nestled in Floral Park, New York, servicing the Queens and Long Island boroughs. The founder and owner, Sharon Subdhan, is a huge advocate for wellness and promotes living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. She focuses on a holistic approach with a touch of technology during treatments. Subdhan prides herself on educating and uplifting each client, no matter where they are in their skin journey. Her clients love that she is relatable, transparent, and always looks out for their best interest at heart. Subdhan is recognized for having a 5-star review rating on Google and a great rapport with each person she meets. Her goal is to exceed all expectations in the treatment room, have clients feel and look their best, and introduce a piece of wellness during each visit.

What pushed you to open your own spa, and at what point in your career did you open it?

I started in an untraditional way; the industry is what pushed me to become a solo aesthetician. I went on numerous interviews after getting my aesthetics license. I was not hired due to my lack of experience in the field. I wanted to perform facials to gain experience, so I decided to start offering my own services. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I had a full-on business.

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Laziza Kodirova

A licensed aesthetician, Kodirova is the owner of LAZ Skincare in New York, New York. 

What is your educational background, and how do you continue your education in the industry?

I graduated from Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics, and now, I am pursuing a degree in marketing management, which complements my expertise in aesthetics and assists me in managing and growing my business. I also attend conferences, workshops, and engage with professional organizations. Active participation in online forums and communities keeps me updated with valuable insights to best service my clients.

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Balancing Youth

Three of the most important factors when it comes to an individual’s overall feelings of well-being are hormones, nutrition, and mindset. While there has been an influx of information about nutrition and the need to eat well to age well – along with a greater focus on a positive mindset overall – hormones are the factor that is often left out. They simply are not thought of by many in terms of the effect they have on a person’s overall quality of life. However, when it comes to achieving a true lifestyle of wellness that optimizes aging, hormones are immensely important. Thankfully, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a great treatment option to counteract a decline or imbalance in either female or male hormones.


Hormones are chemicals that are created by the endocrine glands. As aging occurs, hormone levels naturally fluctuate, leading to all sorts of issues like brain fog, mood swings, insomnia, decreased libido, hair loss, dry skin, sugar cravings, weight gain, and much more. Suffice it to say that when the body’s hormones are unbalanced or too low, many aspects of life are negatively impacted. This can lead to a variety of problems that amalgamate to create a less-than-desirable way of life. Unfortunately, hormone treatments have been undervalued in terms of the effect they can have on a person’s health, lifestyle, and wellness by many in the medical industry. Thankfully though, bioidentical hormone replacement offers an alternative to synthetic hormones that are considered safer and more effective.

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are a variety of man-made hormones that are available and offer possible hope for living an optimized life, even when nearing or undergoing menopause. In addition, when compared to other forms of hormones on the market, many believe that bioidentical hormones are the closest one can get to real hormone replacements, naturally. In fact, bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to the ones the human body makes, hence their name, which is why they are absorbed within the body so much easier.

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Another beneficial hormone that gets depleted near and throughout menopause is estrogen. Decreases in this hormone can cause hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, and more. Thankfully, by replacing this hormone through bioidentical hormone replacement, improvement can be made in individuals’ skin, weight, and thickness of their hair.


Thyroid levels tend to decrease as aging occurs, which makes it hard to lose subcutaneous or visceral fat. Metabolism is also negatively impacted due to the decrease in this metabolic hormone. In addition, while it mostly impacts metabolism, having a poorly functioning thyroid and less of this hormone than is ideal can also cause issues with skin. Therefore, this is an important hormone to have checked when a bioidentical hormone replacement treatment plan is created.


This hormone is synergistic with estrogen, which makes it important to overall health. This can improve not only skin’s appearance but also symptoms of anxiety, problems with sleep, and more.

Additional Hormones

When a patient is working with a physician to create their optimal combination of hormones, sometimes, other hormones and their levels are considered as well. This includes vitamin D, which is great for skin and immunity; prednisolone, which is ideal for counteracting brain fog; and melatonin to help with sleep.


When a patient tries prescribed bioidentical hormone replacement, they can expect their body to perk back up after losing some of its zeal due to aging or other factors. This is a safer treatment when compared to synthetic hormone treatment and was actually created as an alternative to this type of treatment. Again, it is important to note that bioidentical hormones are created to have the exact molecular structure and chemicals as the body’s natural hormones.

While every patient will vary in terms of how they respond to this treatment, in most cases, those who try this therapy will experience the following positive results, such as increased sense of well-being and decreased depression and anxiety brought on by unbalanced hormones. They may experience better mental clarity, a stronger libido due to the improvement in overall hormonal health, and hair growth that is thicker than experienced during menopause. Additionally, patients may experience an increased ability to build muscle and lose weight. No longer will they feel as if they are running uphill and getting nowhere as their body will start to respond to their hard work as it should. Healthier skin becomes more achievable, meaning it is smoother, has more collagen, and is more youthful in appearance. Patients may experience more energy. Hormones play an immensely important role in energy levels, so optimizing them helps one feel much more energetic. Lastly, they may have reduced instances of night sweats, hot flashes, bloating, and other menopause-related symptoms.

Often, it takes a concerted effort sustained over the course of several visits to formulate the correct bioidentical hormone replacement treatment for a patient. Trial and error are key to determining what levels of hormones a patient will operate at optimally and what type of treatment is the best for their lifestyle. Patients can expect to experience some positive results from bioidentical hormone treatment within as little as a few weeks, but many others will need to continue with treatment for at least three months to get the full effect of this hormone replacement therapy.



  1. Center, 1Midlife Health. (2016). Compounded non-FDA–approved menopausal hormone therapy... : Menopause. LWW.


Dr. Sherry Kelishadi is the in-house clinical pharmacist and director of antiaging therapies at SSK Plastic Surgery. She has been a clinical pharmacist since 2011 and has over 10 years of expertise in bioidentical hormone replacement. SSK Plastic Surgery takes pride in providing a second to none customer service experience that focuses on safety.  At a premiere plastic surgery practice, having an in-house clinical pharmacist to counsel patients on their medications and optimal antiaging therapies is the exception not the rule. 

Beyond the Bottle

This may come as a shock, but I am not a fan of most supplements! Some people think that the average diet is deplete of nutrients and that people must be deficient in many vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutritional components, but this is not necessarily true. The following are some supplements that are not beneficial for the average person. 


99% of the free radicals in the body are purposeful and health-promoting, and the body makes its own antioxidants readily. Studies in which participants took high doses of vitamin C and vitamin E showed that these vitamins harmed the body. Why? Too many antioxidants squelch the good free radicals the body uses to fight bugs and repair itself. Antioxidants are okay, but only in small doses.


The microbiome is not made by what is eaten; it is created from DNA. Taking probiotics causes candida acne, eczema, H. pylori (redness under nostrils from stomach zone), and other harmful effects. Additionally, they have been clinically proven to slow gut repair.

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Treats for Tots? Baby Floating Spas 

When picturing the demographic of typical spa-goers, most probably imagine mainly women somewhere between 30 and 50 years old. However, some spas are catering towards a younger demographic – much younger. A common phrase in beauty spaces is “it is never too early to start caring for skin,” and a global trend in self-care, baby floating spas, is taking this phrase to a whole new level by offering relaxation services to infants as early as two weeks old. 


Originating from Japan, baby floating spas are facilities that offer a unique experience for parents and their infants. During their time at a floating spa, babies are placed in an inflatable, plastic ring that fits around their neck, cradles their head, and keeps them afloat in a tub of water. At some spas, the water is infused with essential oils that nourish newborn skin and salts that help create buoyancy. Floatation therapy allows for babies to freely move their limbs in the water, which, according to some studies, increases muscular strength, skeletal health, cognitive development, improves motor skills and balance, and helps new parents bond with infants. Floating time, which typically lasts around 60 minutes, is followed by infant massage, which stimulates the immune system and alleviates digestive issues. The combination of these services is purported to offer a multitude of benefits to infants from the ages of two weeks to six months old. 


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  1. Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “Do Not Use Baby Neck Floats Due to the Risk of Death or Injury.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, June 28, 2022. neck-floats-due-risk-death-or-injury-fda-safety-communication.
  1. Freedman, Françoise, and Shawn Tomlinson. “The Hidden Risks of Floating Neck Rings for Babies.” Swimming Teachers’ Association. Accessed November 14, 2023. Floating-Neck-Rings-for-Babies.pdf.
  1. Melati, Agrystina Ryma, C Tjahjono Kuntjoro, Sri Sumarni, Kamilah Hidayati, and Sri Endang Pujiastuti. “Effect of Solus Per Aqua (SPA) on Infant Weight.” Belitungraya, August 31, 2017.
  1. “Q&A’s.” Oh Baby Spa, December 22, 2022.
  1. Wayan, Noviani Ni, and Fitria. “The Impact of Baby Spa on the Growth and Development of Infants Aged 3-6 Months at Puskesmas I Denpasar Selatan.”International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences6, no. 8 (July 6, 2018): 2601.

The Oxytocin Effect: Is Love the Latest Antiaging Luxury? 


Oxytocin has long been considered an important hormone related to intercourse, birthing, and nursing, but it turns out that its importance goes far beyond this short list of functions. Oxytocin is produced in skin by keratinocytes in response to touch, like caresses, massages, hugs. In fact, not only does skin produce this important hormone, but it also responds to it. Oxytocin receptors are found on the fibroblasts in the dermis. When oxytocin is bound to its receptor, it suppresses the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). The senescence-associated secretory phenotype typically promotes a low-level chronic inflammatory state by secreting proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6, interleukin-1, chemokines, growth factors, and extracellular matrix-remodeling proteases. The longer the senescence-associated secretory phenotype is active, the more destruction of collagen, elastin, and skin matrix there is, leading to skin aging. Intuitively, blocking the senescence-associated secretory phenotype over time should protect skin from damage, but does it?

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  1. Hayre, N. Oxytocin Levels Inversely Correlate With Skin Age Score and Solar Damage. J Drugs Derm. 2020: Vol 19(12). 1146-1148

Near the Limelight: Working with Celebrity Clientele  

Working with celebrities can be a dream come true and the perks that come along with the glitz and glam are quite exciting. Whether as an aesthetician or makeup artist, working with someone famous is a great opportunity for a professional to showcase their expertise. When working toward building a star roster, the beauty professional must be prepared to elevate their expertise to excellence. The art of working with Hollywood’s royalty involves establishing a professional partnership that consists of trust, loyalty, and privacy. 

To leverage one’s knowledge in skin care to offer a signature experience for celebrity clientele, professionals must be highly competent in their skill set and build a reputable name that is branded with trust. A professional’s ability to provide services at the highest level of quality will determine the level of trust placed upon them as a go-to expert in the industry. 

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In Plain Sight: Human Trafficking & the Beauty Industry 

According to the Polaris Project, in 2021, there were 10,359 incidents of human trafficking reported to the United States National Human Trafficking Hotline. 28 million people are trapped in human trafficking situations worldwide, including 3.3 million children. While difficult to think about, these numbers are only rising, and it is important for beauty professionals particularly to understand the signs of human trafficking so that they can help potential victims. 


 Human trafficking is often confused with human smuggling, which is when people are kidnapped and brought across foreign borders illegally. Homeland Security defines human trafficking as “involving the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” Furthermore, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) explains that human trafficking is “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.” 

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery, where people are held against their will for labor purposes. The perpetrators use tactics that can mirror dynamics of domestic violence, such as economic abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, isolation, or threats to trap victims. 

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  1. “Homepage.” Safe Horizon, October 25, 2023.
  1. “Human Trafficking Training.” Polaris, November 1, 2023.
  1. “Human Trafficking.” Human Trafficking | Homeland Security. Accessed November 10, 2023.
  1. “Human Trafficking.” National Human Trafficking Hotline. Accessed November 10, 2023.