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Equipment and Devices - Microcurrent - Physiology and Application
By Alexandra J Zani | November 29, 2019
The use of microcurrent in medicine and cosmetic improvement has been studied for more than 50 years. Stimulation with microcurrents is also called biostimulation or bioelectric therapy because it encourages cell physiology and growth. Essentially, microcurrent ...
Slowing the Visible Signs of Aging
By TheraGenesis | August 4, 2021
Summer weather is here and one of the first things on everyone minds is starting up the barbeque and grilling up some of our favourite foods while enjoying the summer sun. As much as this favourite past time is a staple tradition to celebrate the nice ...
Food For Your Face
By TheraGenesis | August 4, 2021
Nutritional status plays an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin. Macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, micronutrients, vitamins and nutritionally essential minerals work together to maintain the barrier functions of skin in the ...
Hormones and Menopause
By TheraGenesis | August 4, 2021
MENOPAUSE IS A NATURALLY occurring stage in every woman’s life, yet experiences are as unique as our thumbprints. Some women scarcely register any physical change in their bodies, while others are bombarded with inexplicable symptoms. Women between the ...
By Kay Tran | March 24, 2005
Pharmaskincare Pharmaskincare unveils the latest solution in replenishing your skin with the primary nutrients it requires to stay healthy and vibrant ...
By Kay Tran | March 31, 2005
Pharmaskincare Pharmaskincare Pharmaskincare unveils the latest solution in replenishing your skin with the primary nutrients it requires to ...
By Kay Tran | October 2, 2006
I can honestly say I have never worked on a more daunting issue than the one you hold in your hands today! More specifically the 30th Anniversary section (pages 35-50), which we began working on many months ago. As Will said in his Publisher’s ...
By | November 25, 2006
Equilibrium We grapple daily to stay on top of elements that threaten our health and well-being. The need for equilibrium is dire. The concept of a medi-spa is not mysterious in the least. Neither is it new. Indeed, it’s such a natural union of spa and ...
By Rena Levi Gibson | June 4, 2007
Perfection. It’s what we all strive for in life, our families, and business. But, beginning at a very young age, it’s the perfection of the reflection we see in the mirror that becomes a daily goal. From the moment we notice that first flaw, perhaps the ...
By | November 25, 2006
Compared to a chemical peel, microdermabrasion offers the benefit of more precision and enhanced results, with no down time. Treatments are arranged as sessions generally as part of a four to eight visit strategy, with the goal ...


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