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By Robert Sachs, L.M.T., co-founder of Diamond Way Ayurveda | February 20, 2017
When most people hear the words skin and oil in the same sentence, they cringe as they think of a greasy, spotty complexion; they envision skin that is not the picture of health. Thus, the idea of using oil – especially face oil – seems counterintuitive ...
By Lina Kennedy | March 23, 2017
Dry skin is something everyone tends to experience, especially when outside forces, such as dry weather, indoor heating, and cold winters, play a role. When clients are experiencing dry skin, exfoliating treatments are key to bringing back their healthy, ...
By Jeremy Lawrence | March 23, 2017
Xerosis cutis is the medical term for abnormally dry skin, which derives from the Greek word xero, meaning dry. Dry skin is a common skin condition characterized by a lack of moisture in the epidermis. The main cause of dry skin is dry air, or low humidity, ...
By Janel Luu | March 23, 2017
It is easy enough for aestheticians to identify the symptoms of dry skin – especially since dryness and dehydration are common issues for clients – but consumers often tolerate flakiness thinking it will eventually go away, leading to chronic dryness ...
By Jeremy | May 19, 2016
Traditional skin care has typically consisted of topical products. Because products need to affect the dermis to have lasting results, companies and cosmetic chemists are constantly formulating products with ingredients that have molecular sizes small ...
By Heather Fowler, L.E. | April 30, 2015
A good personal trainer will tell you that the key to a healthy and fit body is a combination of a healthy diet and an effective exercise routine. While a personal trainer can put their clients through a series of exercises, perhaps focusing on building ...
By Alexandra J Zani | May 18, 2016
The choice and integration of modalities for the treatment of various skin conditions have expanded during the past several years. There is a plethora of electrotherapy devices,1 as well as chemical peels and advanced-cosmeceutical chemistry, that offer ...
By Dieter Kuster, Ph.D. | July 1, 2015
All too often, we use the term ‘aging skin’ to describe the visible process of getting older on the body’s largest organ. We as humans start to age from the moment we are born until we pass, so when we refer to aging skin, we are actually talking about ...
By Shelley Hancock, L.E. | June 29, 2017
To create and sustain a successful skin care business, professionals need to stay up-to-date with the ever-growing and changing aesthetic equipment technology. Today's clients are savvy and results-oriented. There is so much information readily available ...
By Ahmed Abdullah, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S. | May 21, 2015
Acne is, by far, the most common skin condition in the United States. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology estimates that 85 percent of people will have it at some point in their life, whether that be during the teenage years – the decade when ...


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