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The use of oxygen therapies was once thought to be solely the domain of the medical community, curing a variety of ailments. As we learn more about how oxygen reacts on a cellular level, it becomes more apparent that the use of oxygenated therapies can also be beneficial for spas to help treat maladies such as injured skin, sore muscles and even to combat aging.…


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From the common cherry tree, Prunus avium, it is native to the temperate areas of eastern Europe and western Asia. The fruit from the cherry tree has been cultivated since as far back as 300 B.C. with a lineage that goes back even farther. Packed with flavor and a multitude of vitamins and minerals, the cherry is not only good for you internally but externally…
Did you know that mint can be used to treat blackheads? Mix three mint leave with one cup of boiling water to create an astringent or toner to swipe over your face. This will soothe inflammation and help to shrink the pores, making blackheads slowly fade over time. For an added punch, add a bit of orange peel and one tablespoon of witch hazel to…
A summer vacation often means fun in the sun and water, but it can also mean an increase in the chances of developing a dangerous mole. Most kids are born without moles, called "nevi" by dermatologists, but a recent Colorado study of 681 white children found that every beach vacation leads to a five percent increase in small moles on children's skin. "The development of…
The month of November has been officially designated as National Healthy Skin Month; therefore Dr. Michael Gold offers tips on how to keep skin fresh, hydrated and healthy all year round. Face washing should be part of everyone's daily skin care regimen, Gold points out the correct way to ensure that your skin gets the proper cleansing it needs:

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