Food For Your Face

Nutritional status plays an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin. Macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, micronutrients, vitamins and nutritionally essential minerals work together to maintain the barrier functions of skin in the face of everyday challenges. Changes in nutritional status that alter skin structure and function can also directly affect skin appearance. Unlike many organs, skin nutrition may be enhanced directly through topical applications. Topical application of micronutrients can complement dietary consumption, leading to a stronger, healthier protective barrier for the body.

This article discusses the roles of select micronutrients and other dietary compounds in the maintenance of skin health. Topical use of these compounds is discussed, and the effects of micronutrient deficiencies in the skin are also covered.

Challenges faced by healthy skin

Although difficult to define, healthy skin has the ability to respond to challenges that would otherwise undermine its structure and function. Balanced nutrition complements the host of endogenous factors that preserve skin health. Moreover, skin that functions properly has aesthetically pleasing properties, giving skin a healthful appearance and feel. Therefore, conditions that adversely affect the biological functions of skin often correspond to a less attractive appearance of skin.

As scientists learn more about diet and the body, it’s increasingly clear that what you eat can significantly affect the health and aging of your skin.

12 of the best foods for keeping your skin healthy.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and herring, are excellent foods for healthy skin. They’re rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining skin health. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary to help keep skin thick, supple, and moisturized. In fact, an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency can cause dry skin. The omega-3 fats in fish reduce inflammation, which can cause redness and acne. They can even make your skin less sensitive to the sun’s harmful rays. Fatty fish is also a source of vitamin E, one of the most important antioxidants for your skin. Getting enough vitamin E is essential for helping protect your skin against damage from free radicals and inflammation. This type of seafood is also a source of high quality protein, which is needed for maintaining the strength and integrity of your skin.

Lastly, fish provides zinc — a mineral vital for regulating inflammation, overall skin health and the production of new skin cells. Zinc deficiency can lead to skin inflammation, lesions, and delayed wound healing.


Avocados are high in healthy fats. These fats benefit many functions in your body, including the health of your skin. Getting enough of these fats is essential to help keep skin flexible and moisturized. One study involving over 700 women found that a high intake of total fat — specifically the types of healthy fats found in avocados — was associated with more supple, springy skin. Preliminary evidence also shows that avocados contain compounds that may help protect your skin from sun damage. UV damage to your skin can cause wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Avocados are also a good source of vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant that helps protect your skin from oxidative damage. Most people don’t get enough vitamin E through their diet. Vitamin E seems to be more effective when combined with vitamin C. Vitamin C is also essential for healthy skin. Your skin needs it to create collagen, which is the main structural protein that keeps your skin strong and healthy. Vitamin C deficiency is rare these days, but common symptoms include dry, rough, and scaly skin that tends to bruise easily. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps protect your skin from oxidative damage caused by the sun and the environment, which can lead to signs of aging.


Walnuts have many characteristics that make them an excellent food for healthy skin. They’re a good source of essential fatty acids, which are fats that your body cannot make itself. In fact, they’re richer than most other nuts in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. A diet too high in omega-6 fats may promote inflammation, including inflammatory conditions of your skin like psoriasis.

On the other hand, omega-3 fats reduce inflammation in your body — including in your skin. While omega-6 fatty acids are plentiful in the Western diet, sources of omega-3 fatty acids are rare. Because walnuts contain a good ratio of these fatty acids, they may help fight the potential inflammatory response to excessive omega-6. What’s more, walnuts contain other nutrients that your skin needs to function properly and stay healthy.

Walnuts, like fish also contains Zinc. Zinc is essential for your skin to function properly as a barrier. It’s also necessary for wound healing and combating both bacteria and inflammation. Walnuts also provide small amounts of the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, in addition to 4–5 grams of protein per ounce (28 grams).

Sunflower seeds

In general, nuts and seeds are good sources of skin-boosting nutrients. Sunflower seeds are an excellent example. One ounce (28 grams) of sunflower seeds packs 49% of the DV for vitamin E, 41% of the DV for selenium, 14% of the DV for zinc, and 5.5 grams of protein.

Sweet Potatoes

Beta carotene is a nutrient found in plants. It functions as provitamin A, which means it can be converted into vitamin A in your body. Beta carotene is found in oranges and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source — one 1/2-cup (100-gram) serving of baked sweet potato contains enough beta carotene to provide more than six times the DV of vitamin A. Carotenoids like beta carotene help keep your skin healthy by acting as a natural sunblock.
When consumed, this antioxidant is incorporated into your skin and helps protect your skin cells from sun exposure. This may help prevent sunburn, cell death, and dry, wrinkled skin.

Red or Yellow Bell Peppers

Like sweet potatoes, bell peppers are an excellent source of beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. One cup (149 grams) of chopped red bell pepper contains the equivalent of 156% of the DV for vitamin A. They’re also one of the best sources of vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for creating the protein collagen, which keeps skin firm and strong.
A single cup (149 grams) of bell pepper provides an impressive 211% of the DV for vitamin C A large observational study involving women linked eating plenty of vitamin C to a reduced risk of wrinkled and dry skin with age.


Broccoli is full of many vitamins and minerals important for skin health, including zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It also contains lutein, a carotenoid that works like beta carotene. Lutein helps protect your skin from oxidative damage, which can cause your skin to become dry and wrinkled.
But broccoli florets also pack a special compound called sulforaphane, which boasts some impressive potential benefits. It may even have anti-cancer effects, including on some types of skin cancer. Sulforaphane is likewise a powerful protective agent against sun damage. It works in two ways: neutralizing harmful free radicals and switching on other protective systems in your body. In laboratory tests, sulforaphane reduced the number of skin cells UV light killed by as much as 29%, with protection lasting up to 48 hours. Evidence suggests sulforaphane may also help maintain collagen levels in your skin.


Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C and contain all of the major carotenoids, including lycopene. Beta carotene, lutein, and lycopene have been shown to protect your skin against damage from the sun. They may also help prevent wrinkling. Because tomatoes are rich in carotenoids, they’re an excellent food for maintaining healthy skin. Consider pairing carotenoid-rich foods like tomatoes with a source of fat, such as cheese or olive oil. Fat increases your absorption of carotenoids.


Soy contains isoflavones, a category of plant compounds that can either mimic or block estrogen in your body. Isoflavones may benefit several parts of your body, including your skin.

One small study involving middle-aged women found that eating soy isoflavones every day for 8–12 weeks reduced fine wrinkles and improved skin elasticity. In postmenopausal women, soy may also improve skin dryness and increase collagen, which helps keep your skin smooth and strong. These isoflavones not only help to protect the cells inside your body from damage but also your skin from UV radiation — which may reduce the risk of some skin cancers.

Dark Chocolate

If you need one more reason to eat chocolate, here it is: The effects of cocoa on your skin are pretty phenomenal. After 6–12 weeks of consuming a cocoa powder high in antioxidants each day, participants in one study experienced thicker, more hydrated skin. Their skin was also less rough and scaly, less sensitive to sunburn, and had better blood flow — which brings more nutrients to your skin.

Another study found that eating 20 grams of high-antioxidant dark chocolate per day could allow your skin to withstand over twice as much UV radiation before burning, compared with eating low-antioxidant chocolate. Several other studies have observed similar results, including improvements in the appearance of wrinkles. However, keep in mind that at least one study didn’t find significant effects.

Make sure to choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa to maximize the benefits and keep added sugar to a minimum.

Green Tea

Green tea may help protect your skin from damage and aging. The powerful compounds found in green tea are called catechins and work to improve the health of your skin in several ways. Like several other antioxidant-containing foods, green tea can help protect your skin against sun damage. One 12-week study involving 60 women found that drinking green tea daily could reduce redness from sun exposure by up to 25%. Green tea also improved the moisture, roughness, thickness, and elasticity of their skin. While green tea is a great choice for healthy skin, you may want to avoid drinking your tea with milk, as there’s evidence that milk could reduce the effect of green tea’s antioxidants.

Red Grapes

Red grapes are famous for containing resveratrol, a compound that comes from the skin of red grapes. Resveratrol is credited with a wide range of health benefits, among them is reducing the effects of aging. Test-tube studies suggest it may also help slow the production of harmful free radicals, which damage skin cells and cause signs of aging.

This beneficial compound is also found in red wine. Unfortunately, there’s not much evidence that the amount of resveratrol you get from a glass of red wine is enough to affect your skin. and since red wine is an alcoholic beverage, there are negative effects to drinking it in excess. It’s not recommended to start drinking red wine just because of its potential health benefits. Instead, you should increase your intake of red grapes and berries.

Summary: You are What You Eat
Nutritional status plays an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin. Macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, micronutrients, vitamins and nutritionally essential minerals work together to maintain the barrier functions of skin in the face of everyday challenges. Changes in nutritional status that alter skin structure and function can also directly affect skin appearance. Unlike many organs, skin nutrition may be enhanced directly through topical applications. Topical application of micronutrients can complement dietary consumption, leading to a stronger, healthier protective
TheraGenesis Skincare

Aging and Adaptogens

We all deal with stress every day and our bodies naturally strive to adapt and keep us balanced and healthy. There is a category of herbs called ADATOGENS that help the human body adapt to stress, support normal metabolic processes and restore balance. They increase the body’s resistance to physical, biological, emotional and environmental stressors and promote normal physiologic function.

Some may say that these adaptogenic herbs sound too good to be true. The wide range of health benefits that they offer almost cover every area of the body. Yet, if we study medical history, we see that these herbs have been used for thousands of years for good reason. They are unique from other substances in their ability to restore the balance of endocrine hormones, modulate the immune and nervous systems while maintaining optimal homeostasis.

How and where do Adaptogens grow

Adaptogenic plants have successfully adapted to their native habitats, which in many cases are rather harsh environments such as high altitude, extreme cold weather or dry dessert like conditions. If these plants can adapt so well, perhaps they can also help us adapt to current extreme weather changes we are facing globally. These extreme conditions and the adaptation the plant makes in order survive, we know affects the chemistry of the plant and creates the effects that it has when used as a herbal medicine. An excellent example of this is Rhodiola. Growing in rugged mountain conditions in Siberia it is found growing at 10,000 feet above sea level in extreme cold, low oxygen levels and being exposed is subject to intense radiation from the sun.

Adaptogens Defined

A definition of the pharmacological properties of an Adaptogen are as follows

The substance is non toxic to the recipient in normal therapeutic doses
An adaptogen has a non- specific activity and acts by increasing resistance of the organism to a broad spectrum of adverse biological, chemical and physical factor. These substances tend to help regulate or normalise organ and system function within the organis. Therefore, we can say that adaptogens constitute a new class of natural, homestatic metabolic regulators Adaptogens help regulate Endocrine, Immune, Nervous system, Cardiovascular, Reproductive and Gut Brain Function.

As adaptogens have become more popular it is important to understand that not everyone needs an adaptogen and that they are not a replacement for the foundations of a healthy nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate good quality sleep and healthy lifestyle choices.

Adaptogens are not a one size fits all category. Some adaptogens are stimulating, some calming, some nourishing, some heating or cooling or moistening or drying. They are rarely used as stand alone remedies in traditional medicine. They are usually combined with Nervines, Nootropics or restorative tonics, custom blended to meet the needs of the client.

Identifying an Adaptogen

There are only a small number of plants that we know are definitely adaptogens. Many are restorative tonics but only the ones listed here are recognised true adaptogens.

American and Siberian Ginseng

Other wonderful ‘tonic’ herbs have a myriad of benefits but are not adaptogens but are restorative tonics include:

Processed Rehmannia
Nettle Seed
Goji Berry

Demand for the adaptogenic herbs has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. People seek relief from stress and anxiety, and want more energy, strength, mental focus and strong immune function. Ashwagandha root has risen to the top ten most popular herbs over the past few years due to a surge in human clinical studies.


Ashwagandha is the flagship herb of Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India. This herb has been known for centuries but is now only experiencing major growth worldwide because of a burst of recent studies in Pharmacology and medicine. Ashwagandha promotes balance in the body. It
is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body successfully adapt to stressful conditions and is one of the few herbs with significant effects on both psychological and physiological aspects of human functioning.

Ashwagandha refers to the dried roots of Withania somnifera, a woody shrub found wild and cultivated in India, Africa and the Mediterranean. Ashwagandha’s use dates back 4000 years, and the root is often referred to as The King of Herbs.

Traditionally used for aphrodisiac, anti-aging, anti-asthma, rejuvenating and overall strengthening purposes.

Benefits clinically proven

To provide Stress Relief, reduce anxiety, cortisol levels and stress related food cravings. Cortisol helps control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, reduce inflammation, and assist with memory formulation. Cortisol is a crucial hormone for overall health and well-being. But…high cortisol is a major stress factor and is associated with weight gain, overall stress and compromised immunity. Ashwagandha brings cortisol into a normal healthy range.
Reduction in overly high cortisol in itself, imparts relief.
Promote enhanced memory and cognitive function
Promote Endurance, strength, muscle size and recovery rate
Enhance Sexual health and Male Testosterone

Perimenopausal Symptoms: A study showed that it can alleviate perimenopausal symptoms like hot flashes, menstrual frequency, pain, high blood pressure and weight gain in women by normalizing levels of estradiol, FSH, LH and other female sexual hormone.

General Health Improvement in Senior Citizens: A study published in Cureus demonstrated that it can also significantly improve mental alertness, sleep quality, physical fitness, and psychological and social wellbeing in elderly participant.

An article in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that a particular brand, KSM-66 can normalize thyroid indices like serum TSH, T3 and T4 and restore normal functioning of the thyroid gland Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng is a popular adaptogenic herb that balances several body functions and helps deal with stress related issues.

It is calming, helping to relieve anxiety, insomnia and restlessness.At the same time it can be strengthening to the body, relieving lethargy, fatigue, forgetfulness, abdominal bloating and fullness, uterine prolapse and muscle weakness. Asian Ginseng increases overall energy and vitality while preserving the size and weigh tof the adrenal glands and increasing the secretions of the Pituitary gland. It improves overall mood. Digestion, physical endurance, mental function and immune function.

Asian Ginseng is appropriate for all menopausal types, although it is classically considered to be more Estrogenic than Siberian Ginseng.

Schisandra and Aging

Schisandra is a plant. The fruit is used as food and also to make medicine. Schisandra is used as an “adaptogen” for increasing resistance to disease and stress, increasing energy, and increasing physical performance and endurance.

An Ancient Beauty Secret

Schizandra powder is a herb that was held in high regard by women in the imperial courts of China. These women, known as ‘jade girls’, carefully practiced the art of beauty, and schizandra was an essential part of their ‘beauty diet’ for its many beneficial effects.

In addition to its beautifying benefits, schizandra powder is a vitality herb that promotes abundant energy, a sharp mind and a calmness that’s invaluable in our busy modern world. This is my top recommended herb, both in my classes and to my clients because it promotes balanced hormones.


In today’s world of Ageing well or Aging Better, good skin care is an integral part of looking and feeling our best. If you recall, I spoke earlier in the article about these plants adapting to their environment. Now in the world of cosmetic chemistry we are using the chemistry developed by the plant to adapt, to help your skin adapt to the ageing process caused by environmental stressors and declining hormones.

In our TheraGenesis skin care collection, we have used an ingredient called Squisandryl™ This ingredient is a plant extract from Schisandra Chinensis fruit. It’s properties are exclusively focused on the Dermal/Epidermal junction. As we age the bonds that firmly join these two areas of the skin begin to lose that ability to do so, causing lack of firmness and sagging in the jaw area. Squisandryl helps reinforce the stability of DEJ via stimulation of Collagen-17 and ladinin-1 synthesis, therefore strengthening the dynamic cohesion between the dermis and the epidermis. It is clinically proven to increase of skin resilience, elasticity and firmness.

This amazing ingredient can be found in our Hydralift Serum and Hydralift Intensive Complex. These products work well when paired together, both of which I use daily and naturally highly recommend.

A Natural Liver Tonic

The benefits from schizandra come from the fact that it’s a potent liver tonic. The sour flavour effects the liver by restoring proper organ function, specifically phase 1 and 2 of detoxification. During these phases, the liver removes toxins such as xenoestrogens and xenobotics from the body.

Schizandra powder helps your liver pack up toxins and appropriately remove them while minimizing or eliminating detox symptoms like blemishes, fatigue, and headaches.

When we get those toxins out of our body we can experience better hormone health and reduce the symptoms of ‘estrogen dominance’. This means a decrease in PMS symptoms, heavy periods, fibroids, and cysts.

In addition, the effects of schizandra powder also help my menopausal women, especially with hot flashes and sleep issues!

Get The Glow

I cannot stress enough about Detoxifying and strengthening your liver. Have a look on our TheraGenesis Face Book page for the video on how to detox. Reason being, another result of optimal liver function is clear, beautiful, smooth skin and bright, clear white eyes. Schizandra is astringent and helps the body hold fluids, which means it reduces dry skin and increases moisture content.

Sleep Tight!

Have you experienced poor sleep quality after an evening of drinking? Your liver works hard to process alcohol, and you might get night sweats. Schizandra helps to cool the liver down while the organ functions optimally. Continuous use of schizandra powder will allow you to experience longer, more restful sleeps.

A Sexual Tonic

This beautiful red berry has an aphrodisiac effect on both men and women. The consistent use of schizandra helps increase vaginal lubrication during sex for females and prevents premature ejaculation in men. It also contains some natural estrogen so it is one of my go-to’s for women are experiencing vaginal dryness due to menopause.

Best For Your Brain

Are you overwhelmed, running from one thing to the next and feeling like you never see the end of your task list? Consistent use of schizandra powder will help you out. Students in China utilize schizandra to help them focus on their studies and reduces mental tiredness. It helps with the brain fog that is caused by so many hormone imbalances such as low estrogen and adrenal fatigue. That being said, you need to take it consistently to get the benefits. This sort of results occurs after taking it for about 100 days.

References: Adaptogens by David Winston with Steven Maimes
Trish Green DiHom(Pract) B.Ed Cidesco Diplomat. Bach Flower Therapist. Trish is a graduate of the Victoria University of Manchester, Trish is a teacher with 35 years of experience in the education field. She is an advocate for raising standards in education for Complementary Health Care Practitioners with special interest in Aromatherapy. Her career in the field of natural health and esthetics is wide and varied. From Doctor of Homeopathy to Cidesco diplomat, Trish is a dedicated professional, committed to ongoing education and the education of others.
TheraGenesis Skincare

Slowing the Visible Signs of Aging

Summer weather is here and one of the first things on everyone minds is starting up the barbeque and grilling up some of our favourite foods while enjoying the summer sun. As much as this favourite past time is a staple tradition to celebrate the nice weather, we need to keep in mind how this may affect our health, and by extension, our skin. As we transition through the aging process, especially age 40 and beyond, being mindful of minimizing the effects of aging, we need to be aware not only of the damaging effects of U.V rays, but also the types of foods that can also be damaging to the skin.

A word that comes up often yet still is not as well known to many is glycation. More specifically advanced glycation end products (A.G.E’s) and how they effect our health and the aging of our skin. Taking a closer look A.G.E’s, they are formed in the skin when a sugar combines with a fat or protein.

Your Skin

The Dermis, the lower layer of the skin is responsible for the tone and underlying supportive structure of our skin. When glycation occurs, a cross linking effect occurs which makes the collagen/Elastin matrix more rigid and inflexible resulting in the skin losing a great deal of its ability to “bounce back”.

If we accumulate too many of these A.G.E’s in our system, they can create a harmful cascading effect on our bodies which includes but is not limited to acceleration of aging including wrinkling, barrier functions becoming compromised and an overall loss of elasticity. Glycation can occur in a huge number of key cellular structures including collagen, elastin, DNA, lipids, and fibronectin causing a cross linking between structures which will greatly inhibit their ability to function and repair themselves as they normally would. Glycation has also been shown to accelerate apoptosis of fibroblast cells and further slow down the cellular regeneration process contributing to the continued advancement of aging. In later years the advanced skin effects of glycation can often be seen be cross hatched lines forming on the skin.

Other Health Concerns

Potential health concerns may include the heart, kidney, the onset of diabetes as well as excess internal inflammation and oxidative stress. We do know, long term inflammation, caused by AG.E.’s can end up damaging every part of the body over time. A common area that these damaging end products bind to, are called receptors for A.G.E’s (RAGE). These are commonly found on the surface of immune cells which can exasperate the inflammatory response in the skin creating further cellular damage. It has also been shown in studies that people with conditions like diabetes and PCOS, both of which can commonly be linked to insulin resistance, have higher levels of AGEs than the average person.


Our bodies have many mechanisms such as antioxidants to fight off unwanted compounds in our system. However, if we tend to consistently expose our bodies to things that can cause an excess of A.G.E’s to form the body can’t eliminate or prevent everything, therefore causing accumulation over time.

Diet as mentioned above does contribute a lot to glycation occurring in our system. Even if we believe we are eating a fairly balanced diet, heating food using a dry method versus a method like steaming, poaching or boiling can accelerate the A.G.E’s in the food by up to 100x. Even more so when preparing foods high in protein and or fats via dry heat such as red meat, eggs, nuts etc.

A study done in New York to determine a persons average daily consumption of A.G.E’s was found to be around 15000 kilounits, with anything quite notably higher than that considered to be a high A.G.E. diet. The best advise is to try your best to not over cook your food, don’t use extremely high temperatures to cook your food and focus on “moist” heating methods. A great reason to get that slow cooker out!

There is a great source from that reviews a chart of a large variety of foods with their average glycotoxin content which can be found here; ( Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods and a Practical Guide to Their Reduction in the Diet ( )

While going though the client’s nutrition, it is also equally as important to review their habits when it comes to UV exposure. Studies have shown that A.G.E’s tend to accumulate more so in areas frequently exposed to UV radiation and are often quite abundant in sections of the skin showing visible signs of solar elastosis. Clients that regularly smoke are also at risk for an increased accumulation of A.G.E’s building up in their bodies particularly in the skin. As mentioned above antioxidants play a huge role in slowing the glycation process, and since we also are aware that smoking depletes vitamin C within our bodies this makes Vitamin C infused products and nutritional intake a key component in fighting AGE formation in our clientele.

Daily Vita C Serum • Daily Vita C Crème • Vitamin C Kit • Daily Vita C Masque

As aestheticians, glycation damage should be one of our primary focuses when it comes to skin health and the aging process. Our skin, our largest organ, plays a vital role in providing many key functions like protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, sensation and heat regulation. We also know that the aging process is a complex multi layered event that begins to really begins in our 30’s and is effected by both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. This is one of the reasons why consultation with your client is so important. We need to not merely look at unwanted symptoms or characteristics the client is seeing on their skin but take a whole wellness approach and look at the client’s lifestyle habits to find the root causes of why their skin is presenting itself in such a way.

Professional Skin Care

Beyond looking to nutrition and how to cook our food what else can we do to help lower our daily A.G.E intake? Well for starters, remember your body naturally produces antioxidants, which can help prevent the formation of these Glycated end products. but we want to help ourselves by consuming foods high in antioxidants. We can also add in those antioxidants into our skin care as well. Ingredients (both in diet and skin care) that are beneficial include but are not limited to blueberries, curcumin, resveratrol, quercin; a natural flavonoid, EGCG (found in green tea) and the always popular Vitamins C & E.

DNA Repair Crème

(Blueberries, Co Enzyme Q10, Green Tea)
Revitaderm Complex (Retinol, Resveratrol, Green Tea, Vitamin C)
Banana Soufflé (Green Tea, Vitamin E, Carrot oil)

A.G.E. Defense

My recommended go to daily cream for glycation is from TheraGenesis “AGE Defense”. While this product is packed full of goodies, there is one ingredient in particular that I want to shine a light on due to the subject at hand : Elestan™. This 4 in 1 ingredient is perfect for targeting elastin that commonly gets overlooked in skin care next to collagen, but is just as important and often has devastating effects done to its structure via aging and glycation.

Elestan™ has anti-elastase properties. This helps prevent the elastase enzyme from degrading the elastin over the aging process to help preserve the skins elasticity and youthful appearance.

In addition, it is also able to stimulate proteins such as FIBUKIN-5 to ensure proper organization of new elastin fibers that are forming in the skin.
Within many cases some clients may have already noticed a decline in skin quality in which case the ingredients can also stimulate the production of new elastin in the skin to fight against the already damaged network of elastin fibers.

On top of all of the great benefits to elastin fibres, Elestan™ also can help prevent/inhibit the hardening of fibers due to glycation making them a great defensive agent against AGEs (hence the product name).

Keep in mind that is just one of many impressive ingredients in this cream.
The A.G.E Defense Crème also includes other key ingredients like:

Vit-a-Like™: a botanical with retinol like effects on the skin to help with skin tone and wrinkling, Reforcyl™; a plant extract to help reinforce barrier function in aging skins.

Tego Stemlastin™: derived from algae and high in minerals, nutrients and hydration for the skin.

Whether glycation is a newer concept for you or if you have already begun to dig deep into the complex process it is, one thing we all have in common is that A.G.E’s will effect all of us to varying degrees, and more importantly are aspects we need to educate our clients on so they can make informed choices about their lifestyle habits including nutrition, as well as the products they are putting on their face. Knowledge is empowering and can give the client the confidence in both you as a skin care therapist as well as themselves to help take back control with their own wellbeing and skin care routine. Make sure you keep your antioxidant serums, AGE Defense Crème, and SPFs in stock to give everyone a chance to defend against our daily exposure to A.G.E’s so we can all get back to enjoying the beautiful weather!


Brown, M-J. (2019). What are Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)? Healthline. Retrieved from Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): A Complete Overview (

Dry Fasting (2020). Advanced Glycation End Products. Retrieved from Studies of Advanced Glycation End Products (Ages) | DRY FASTING

Kusi, K. Puchulu, F. Sabban, E. (2018). Dermatology and Diabetes. Springer International Publisher. Retrieved from; Dermatology and Diabetes – Google Books

Paraskevi Gkogkolou & Markus Böhm (2012). Advanced glycation end products, Dermato-Endocrinology. Retrieved from Advanced glycation end products (

Uribarri, J., Woodruff, S., Goodman, S., Cai, W., Chen, X., Pyzik, R., Yong, A., Striker, G. E., & Vlassara, H. (2010). Advanced glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(6), 911–16.e12.

Young, L. (2019). What’s Glycation and How to Fight It? Live Young Blog ISDIN. Retrieved from What’s glycation and how to fight it? | ISDIN’s blog
Trish Green DiHom(Pract) B.Ed Cidesco Diplomat. Bach Flower Therapist. Trish is a graduate of the Victoria University of Manchester, Trish is a teacher with 35 years of experience in the education field. She is an advocate for raising standards in education for Complementary Health Care Practitioners with special interest in Aromatherapy. Her career in the field of natural health and esthetics is wide and varied. From Doctor of Homeopathy to Cidesco diplomat, Trish is a dedicated professional, committed to ongoing education and the education of others.
TheraGenesis Skincare

Sorella Apothecary

“We wanted to create a skincare line that was both quality on the inside and beautiful on the outside. As self-proclaimed “product junkies”, we found ourselves in constant search of the perfect product line and time after time we came up short. Life milestones like getting married and starting a family while also working full-time jobs kept us busy but that didn’t stop us from perusing our dream. And so the concept of Sorella Apothecary was born," said co-founders Emily Sindlinger & Danielle Munley.




Sorella Apothecary is a professional skincare line that combines the best of modern day science with natural, old world philosophies. Sorella translates to “sister” in Italian and the brand gets its name from its co-founders, Danielle and Emily, who are sisters by marriage. As an esthetician, Emily carried 14 different lines because she couldn't find one line that had it all. Cue the lightbulb. When Emily approached Danielle with the initial idea of starting her own skincare line, Danielle was all-in. The journey began at their first tradeshow where they found themselves not being able to find anything appealing on the outside. With Danielle's marketing background, she was the brains behind Sorella's beautiful packaging. Fun fact, it took her a whole month to decide on a shade of gold. In every Sorella product you will find effective, targeted ingredients that are balanced with ingredients that nourish the skin. Every element of the line has been handpicked to help target specific skin concerns and work to build up the skin’s barrier. We leave out toxins, harsh fragrances, parabens and sulfates. We pack our products with rich nutrient and active ingredients that support skin's natural regenerating properties. For more information, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.

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HydraFacial Announces Connect Scholarship Program for BIPOC Aestheticians

HydraFacial is jumpstarting the beauty health careers of black, indigenous or people of color (BIPOC) aestheticians by awarding one HydraFacial Connect Certification scholarship every month between July 2021 – July 2022.

The CONNECT certification takes all the foundational components of being a skin health pro and layers in skills you don’t learn in aesthetic school, like business building, marketing, cross-selling, social media, networking, mentoring, and leadership. It’s a 3-level program and with each level, content grows increasingly more complex as participants will be challenged to demonstrate their new knowledge and skills with video assessments and other homework assignments while receiving personalized coaching from HydraFacial Training & Education Managers.

The program is primarily online and self-paced, but once our students reach Expert Level 2, HydraFacial asks them to participate in HFX, HydraFacial’s 2-day live flagship training. Because HFX is the heart of HydraFacial’s education offering, attendance at a live event really brings it all together for the esthetician and includes live hands-on training, which is critical to success.

The program also qualifies for continuing education in most states that require continuing education units. The program is also NCEA accredited and BPPE accredited by the state of California as a private post-secondary education institution – a nod to HydraFacial’s instructional quality.

Any licensed U.S. estheticians and cosmetologists can find out more and sign up for HydraFacial’s “You’re Glowing” scholarships and learn about the eligibility requirements, or fill out an application here:


2021 Specials

Needing a product restock at the spa? Looking to add a new retail line? Start with the brands featured at the Summit! 





Dermaplane new summit

2021 Summit Web Promos 1

2021 Summit Web Promos 2


Antü Brightening Serum

This brightening serum re-hydrates skin and is clinically proven to firm and re-densify skin. Other key ingredients include Hibiscus to relax and smooth expression line, Cherimoya to soothe, calm, and rebalance skin, and Entadine to protect. Antü Brightening Face Serum is designed for all skin types and is especially great for dull, dry, or uneven skin.

646.657.9451  Codex Beauty Labs


Antü Brightening Night Cream

A rich, nourishing night cream that restores the skin barrier and helps defend against exposure to airborne particulate matter pollutants. This brightening night cream re-hydrates your skin and is clinically proven to improve skin tone uniformity and soften skin overnight with the AntüComplex™ formula. Other key ingredients include Black Jack flower, which mimics retinoids to improve elasticity and firmness, Daisy to brighten and revitalize, and Cupuaçu Butter to protect the skin barrier and reduce trans-epidermal water loss. Antü Brightening night cream is designed for all skin types and is especially great for dull, dry, or uneven skin.

646.657.9451  Codex Beauty Labs


Antü Brightening Moisturizer

This restoring daytime moisturizer protects the skin barrier and helps defend against exposure to airborne particulate matter pollutants. Made with Codex Beauty Labs’ patent-pending, potent AntüComplex™ formula, this brightening moisturizer re-hydrates your skin, and is clinically proven to alleviate damage caused by UV light exposure and refine the appearance of pores. Key ingredients include Murumuru to restore skin moisture, Camapu to alleviate redness and protect against infrared damage, and Entadine to protect against environmental stressors. Antü Brightening Moisturizer is designed for all skin types and is especially great for dull, dry, or uneven skin.

646.657.9451  Codex Beauty Labs


Back to School

August brings the end of summer and the start of a new school year for many teenagers and young adults. With the importance of appearance being at the forefront of their minds, spas and professionals need to be ready with the answers and the right products to help this transition be as smooth as possible. (Must be logged in and hold an active AIA membership to view video below.)