Nina Curtis

Nina Curtis

Los Angeles, CA

Reading Your Clients: Eyes

The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) states that iridology is “the study of the iris, or colored part, of the eye. This structure has detailed fibers and pigmentation that reflects information about our physical and psychological makeup. It identifies inherited dispositions (how our body reacts to our environment and what symptoms are most likely to occur), risks (what areas or organ systems are more likely to have symptoms) and future challenges (where we are likely to have more problems as we age). Iridology helps identify inherited emotional patterns which can create or maintain physical symptoms, as well as identify lessons or challenges and gifts or talents available to us.”

The Unveiling of Masks

Humans have used a variety of facial masks for centuries. Some of the early accounts of facial treatments include the use of river clay, mud, and fruit being applied to the face for beauty purposes.
The Egyptians were known for placing a lot of importance on their outward appearance and royalty often used various beauty techniques including face masks. It appears that the first face masks were made from different types of clay. Cleopatra is supposed to have used Dead Sea mud from the ocean to treat her skin twice a week.