Aging Allies

Read more on these time-reversing and antiaging products! LED Therapy A futuristic-looking treatment, LED penetrates skin deeper to fight aging at the start by rejuvenating tissue at a cellular level. Try the Celluma PRO by Celluma Light Therapy. Seaweed Extract Seaweed extract is known for its hydrating and elasticity benefits. A must-have in antiaging skin care, seaweed extract has long been used to treat…

Emily Davis

The resident aesthetician and president of education for Color Up shares her love for teaching, wellness, and why CBD is now a staple in her aesthetic toolbox. Emily Davis joined Color Up in 2018 after using the products from their inception in her skin care practice, Stratum Aesthetics. A licensed aesthetician in Colorado for 15 years, Davis first worked in the spa side of aesthetics…

Breakout Busters

Pineapple A perfect ingredient for gentle exfoliation, pineapple is a natural anti-inflammatory, as it reduces redness and clears blemishes. Try Blemish Banisher Overnight Mask by DermAware Bio-Targeted Skin Care. LED LED in skin care can provides major relief to all sorts of skin conditions. Blue LED, in particular, canprevent and kill acne-causing bacteria. Blue light penetrates deep into skin to treat cystic acne conditions. …

Elina Fedotova

Elina Fedotova The cosmetic chemist and licensed aesthetician shares her love for clean, holistic skin care products and why they matter in the treatment room. Elina Fedotova is very grateful to her clients for inspiring her during their facials to formulate corrective and clean products based on holistic principles. Fedotova believes that being both an aesthetician and cosmetic chemist is her secret for success. Twenty-two…

Bold Brighteners

Check out six staple ingredients for achieving radiant, glowing skin! Mandelic Acid Derived from bitter almonds, this gentle alpha hydroxy acid helps brighten complexion by accelerating cell turnover, removing dead skin, and strengthening collagen. It is especially prized for its ability to treat higher Fitzpatrick skin types. Try Mandelic 8% and 15% Acid by BION SKINCARE. Licorice Root Licorice root is an all-natural remedy…