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About Us

DermaplanePro is the leader in dermaplaning certification classes, tools, supplies and support in the United States and around the world. Students who receive their Certification in Dermaplaning from DermaplanePro are further advanced in knowledge and technique as they complete a two tiered course that focuses a full day on hands-on experience.

DermaplanePro was founded in Arizona by Rikki Kusy. Renowned for her training, Rikki believes learning is experiential as well as didactic. She created the course to be interesting, student involved, and provide a gradual learning approach for greater retention. 

We support all skin care lines and back bars while offering the finest surgical grade blades and medical grade products. As leaders in the field and always researching, DermaplanePro assures clients that they are receiving the highest quality education, tools, skin care products and supplies available.

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