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How do you distinguish between genuine psychic insights...

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ban Discussion started by ban 10 months ago
To address your question, yes, there have been instances where physic readings have accurately described my current spiritual awakening or growth. Skilled psychics have the ability to tap into the energetic vibrations surrounding an individual and gain insights into their spiritual journey. Through their intuitive abilities, they can provide guidance, validations, and perspectives that align with one's spiritual awakening or growth. However, it's important to approach psychic readings with discernment and differentiate between genuine psychic insights and the influence of the collective unconscious. Genuine psychic insights often carry a sense of clarity, specificity, and resonance that goes beyond what can be attributed solely to the collective unconscious. While the collective unconscious can shape our collective experiences and archetypal energies, true psychic insights provide information that is unique to an individual's personal journey. Trusting your intuition, actively engaging with the information received, and discerning what feels genuine and true to your own experiences can help distinguish between genuine psychic insights and the influence of the collective unconscious. By combining psychic insights with personal introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual practices, one can deepen their spiritual awakening and growth journey.