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Slope Unblocked Strategy Guide: 4 Easy Steps to a High Score

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Leonard Haynes Discussion started by Leonard Haynes 1 year ago
Slope Unblocked is a free Chrome browser game that focuses on keeping the ball rolling, making it a popular choice as a healthy distraction for students and employees. Keep the 3D ball moving down the slope with the arrow keys or an A/D or Q/D key combination for as long as feasible.

To score points and stay on the hill, you'll need to avoid obstacles and do impressive leaps. It's a basic idea, but there are many different strategies for keeping the ball in play and increasing your score.

When going straight, stay inside the lines.

Keep the ball within the neon lines for a more controlled ride, just as when you're driving a real car. Quickly switching to a different grid will help you navigate the tunnels and avoid obstacles. You should generally stick to the central grids because you won't often need to move along the cliff itself. You can use this to your advantage by skipping the ramps and picking up coins as you go.

Spend more time exploring the world map.

Move quickly and efficiently through the levels.

When you've got the hang of Slope Unblocked's lightning-fast action, you can take several routes to increase your score by a few seconds. Additional time is added when traversing arches and tunnel entrances, however this can be minimised with careful planning. Rapidly approaching ramps will leave you no time to react, but landing the drop without a hitch will prevent you from having to start over.

Pay attention to the colours, but don't let them distract you.

Red marks denote off-limits zones.

The ball and background grids in Slope Unblocked are a luminous green, indicating the way to go. Tunnel walls are painted red as a warning not to roll into them. The visuals go crimson when you crash or fall. Whether you'll get a higher score, collect coins along the way, or have to start over are all clearly marked. The green grid buildings on the cityscape are merely decorative and should not divert your attention.

Don't give up after the first failure.

Simple to pick up but challenging to perfect

Slope Unblocked is a fun, lighthearted game that may be played over and over again in the pursuit of a higher score. If you keep slamming into walls or falling over the edge of the screen in the same place, consider switching up your strategy. The controls are straightforward, although they may take some time to master if you're coming from another platform. Every time you play slope unblocked, you'll get a sense of accomplishment when you beat your previous high score.