Sunburn Treatment Protocol

Written by Rachelle Dupree
Before beginning any facial or body treatment for clients with a sunburn or sun-damaged skin, skin care professionals should always do a full assessment of the degree of damage. This assessment can be done either visually or with a facial magnifying tool. If the spa offers the option of ultraviolet photography, it can also be a valuable tool to assess the true sun damage. Photographs…
The Darwin Project clarified Charles Darwin's famous conclusion; instead of implying that only the strong survive, Darwin said that "those who survive are the ones who most accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to it." With the changes that have occurred over the last few decades, the way mankind manages the planet's source of energy (the sun) has changed as well. While industrialization and…
Broad spectrum sunscreen protects the skin from both UVA and UVB rays.

10 Things About...Cellulite

Written by Jeri Ross, M.P.H.
There is no magic cure or quick fix for cellulite. Clients would like to get rid of the lumpy, bumpy appearance of cellulite with minimal time and effort, however, smoothing out the dimples is best achieved by adhering to a three-pronged plan of professional spa treatments, homecare products, and a healthy lifestyle regimen. Professionals should educate themselves about the causes of cellulite and the most…
How do I choose the right sunscreen? What is SPF? Which sunscreen is safe for my children? Should I use a waterproof sunscreen? Many people, including skin care professionals, have questions about sun care products. There is a vast array of sunscreen products on the market and plenty of conflicting information regarding their effectiveness, toxicity, and proper mode of application. It is important for professionals…