Wednesday, 23 October 2019 08:10

Nutrition and the Skin: Communicating the Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals to Clients

Written by   Courtney Sykes

Creating excellent skin for clients involves the knowledge and application of diet, nutrition, and vitamins. Producing a set of education algorithms that entrust that these bases are covered within your client consultations are key to effective results. Education on the creation of youthful cells through nutrition, along with understanding the aesthetic benefits of vitamins, are critical for clients. The creation of digital infographics and printable education flyers to go within your client “home folders” are amazing added value pieces that truly bring an eye opening spin to a client’s experience.



The body takes in food to provide energy, which is essential in enabling the body to function and fight against disease. As soon as a client puts a morsel of food in their mouth, the body begins to metabolize, or change, the food into forms it can use to provide energy. Aesthetic professionals can utilize this knowledge and explain to clients, during a one-on-one consultation, how nutrition can be utilized to create better energy flow within the cells, through the health of the mitochondria, to form energy packets called adenosine triphosphate. Taking care of cells can be a fun and interesting process once clients understand that it can impact not only their health but their beauty, as well.


The process of metabolism is complicated but generally consists of two processes: catabolism and anabolism.


In catabolism, the body breaks down large units of living matter into smaller units that are then released as either energy or waste. Digestion uses both physical and chemical means to break down food, so the body can absorb the nutrients contained.


Anabolism consists of building macromolecules from the energy nutrients. This conversion process includes building muscle and cellular growth.


The goal, as professionals, is to assist clients in obtaining the healthy glow that radiates from their skin, eyes, and hair. This is most likely due to good nutrients and metabolism, which is obtainable through great nutrition and the inclusivity of antioxidants, specifically, into their bodies on a daily basis.


An amazing added value item that aesthetic professionals can add into their client care is the use of a client food, supplement, and exercise log. By simply having clients track their antioxidant intake, and not necessarily what they are trying to leave out of their diets, is a helpful source of discussion at their next visit. In addition to choosing wholesome, healthy foods, it is important for clients to track their supplementation of vitamins and minerals, along with daily exercise. Simply opening the door to conversations in these areas and discussing ways to be accountable are great avenues of assistance in a client’s overall skin health.


With aging, metabolism simply slows down for clients. Muscle and bone mass begin to decrease, while body fat increases. The major organs do not require as many calories as they used to, yet most people eat the same amount as they always have, resulting in excess energy that gets stored in fat cells. Fat continues to increase because, often, physical activity declines, as well. Numerous medical reports endorse exercise – both aerobic and resistance training – to offset these changes and possibly even boost metabolism.


Clients must also understand the aesthetic benefits of vitamins and minerals within their systems. By gaining a specific understanding of skin disorders and conditions treated, instead of general health benefits of the body, vitamins and minerals can be utilized intentionally.



Vitamin A: Helps hair, skin, and nails stay supple and glowing. Assists with cell turnover and antiaging.


Vitamin B1: (thiamine) When taken with other nutrients, reportedly helps accelerate hair growth after the noticeable thinning that often follows an illness or emotional upset.


Vitamin B2: (riboflavin) Improves the skin’s ability to take in oxygen and helps keep oil production at an appropriate level. A deficiency of riboflavin can cause excessive oiliness.


Vitamin B3: (niacin) Necessary for proper functioning of the skin, including normal sun tolerance and a smooth, slightly moist surface. A niacin deficiency can cause skin infections and mouth sores.


Vitamin B5: (pantothenic acid) Essential for maintaining the depth of natural skin color and relieving common skin inflammation. This is also an anti-stress vitamin.


Vitamin B6: (pyridoxine) Improves some facial pigment conditions and protects against sun damage. Deficiencies result in skin sores and inflammation, as well as numbness and prickling.


Vitamin B7: (biotin) Helps maintain the skin’s oil balance and has documented success in treating skin disorders related to the oil glands. Deficiencies result in hair loss, skin disorders, and dermatitis.


Vitamin B9: (folic acid) Plays an active role in maintaining and restoring the natural color of hair. Animal testing shows that a deficiency in folic acid causes alterations in hair growth and dermatitis.


Vitamin B12: (cobalamin) Helps control the flow of oil from the sebaceous glands. Working in partnership with folic acid, cobalamin controls hyperpigmentation.


Vitamin C: Essential in the formation of collagen protein, which gives skin its stretching properties. Vitamin C is also necessary for the effective functioning of the two amino acids responsible for developing the color of hair and skin (phenylalanine and tyrosine).


Vitamin D: Greatly aids in skin respiration, resulting in a vitalized appearance. It also helps with healthy cell division.


Vitamin E: Slows down skin aging, protects cells, and acts as an antioxidant.


Vitamin K: Affects blood clotting. A lack of vitamin K may result in increased instances of bruising.


Vitamin P: (bioflavanoids) Enhance capillary strength and acts as an anti-inflammatory.



Calcium: Required for muscle contractions, blood vessel expansion and contraction, secretion of hormones and enzymes, and transmitting impulses throughout the nervous system.


Chromium: Enhances the action of insulin, which is critical to the metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fats, and protein in the body.


Folate: Helps produce and maintain new cells. Folate is also needed to make DNA and RNA.


Iron: An integral part of many proteins and enzymes that maintain good health. Although it is used in oxygen transport, it is also essential for the regulation of cell growth and differentiation.


Magnesium: Needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.


Selenium: Incorporated into proteins to make selenoproteins, which are important antioxidant enzymes that help prevent cellular damage from free radicals.


Zinc: Helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses and helps wounds heal. The body also needs zinc to make proteins and DNA.


Courtney Sykes 2019Courtney Sykes is the chief administrative officer of Southeastern Esthetics Institute and a licensed aesthetics instructor in South Carolina. Her passion lies in creating real change in the aesthetics industry, assisting her students to obtain gainful employment and make a difference in the lives of their clients. Sykes specializes in a science-based approach to skin health and education. Her primary focus is chemical peels, laser treatments, eyelash extensions, micropigmentation, and cosmetic lasers. Her background in medical spa management has led her to nationally accredit the largest licensed aesthetics school in South Carolina, Southeastern Esthetics Institute.


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