In addition to a consistent homecare regimen and professional treatments, proper sun care is a vital factor in protecting the skin. At all times, even during winter months and on cloudy days, clients should be wearing broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB exposure. While most clients are aware of the dangers of UVB exposure, such as sunburns and skin cancer, many…

10 Things About... Sun Damage

Written by Elina Fedotova
Protecting the skin from the sun should be a major concern for clients of all ages. Skin care professionals need to be aware of the effects the sun can have on skin and be able to educate clients on what they can do to prevent damage before it is too late.

Shedding Light on New Sun Protection Ideas

Written by Krista Mckowen, L.E.
The sun is a subject that forever prevails in the skin care industry. Whether you are attempting to reverse sun damage, prevent it, or sift through the many sunscreen ingredient choices, sun protection is a hot topic among aestheticians and product manufacturers. Despite all we think is known about sun care, misinformation still abounds. New research emerges, revealing potential health risks and offering better formulations…

Winter Skin Under the Sun

Written by Alison Adams-Woodford, L.E.
It all started in the 1920s when Coco Chanel fell asleep while outdoors on vacation in the French Riviera and woke up with an unintended sunburn. The style icon singlehandedly changed previous views that skin should be pale and pristine to one that viewed a tan as a fashion statement.
The sunscreen conversation has felt static for some time. We make the recommendation to wear sunscreen and re-apply often to clients as often as we ask them to hydrate. Here is the tricky part: it is not that simple. There is so much gray area, so much uncertainty and, as the people that clients visit frequently and expect well-informed dialogue from, it is the skin…

April 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Epionce
  • Face Reality Skincare
