Friday, 28 December 2018 04:15

It’s Electric: Incorporating Electro-Modalities into the Spa

Written by   Brittany Facio, L.C.I., L.C.

Incorporating electrotherapy into a spa menu can create a diverse service offering for clients and enhanced results that professional products alone cannot achieve. Choosing the correct modality for a target demographic can seem a daunting task, especially considering the industry’s current machine climate. However, utilizing those methods will enhance corrective, preventative, and antiaging skin care regimens. Education is key and arming one’s self with the proper information will prove to be good not only for clients, but also for business.
When it comes to corrective skin care, whether for acne or antiaging, high-frequency treatments are a wonderful addition to any regimen. This modality features an alternating current that ignites argon or neon gas within a glass electrode that is then applied directly to the skin. This can create an amazingly antiseptic environment on the surface of the epidermis, due to the formation of ozone gas, making it ideal for the treatment of acne. The circulation that is encouraged by this treatment can also be helpful for collagen induction in antiaging protocols. So, whether enhancing a teenage, acne, or antiaging facial – or even simply using the comb attachment as a stimulating scalp massage to pass idle time – this modality can undoubtedly become an unsung hero in the treatment room.
One of the biggest players in the industry happens to be preventative skin care, preventing aging, acne, or hyperpigmentation. Galvanic treatments, although not as popular as they once were, should not be underestimated in their ability to prevent certain conditions of the skin. This method utilizes two metal electrodes which allow the flow of DC current to directly stimulate the skin and the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This is accomplished by exploiting either the negative or positive polarity of the current. When using the negative, desincrustation is performed, making way for the positive polarity to perform iontophoresis. Inherently, desincrustation is useful for the treatment of clogged follicles that accompany acne. Iontophoresis bares the ability to hydrate and relieve inflammation for antiaging by facilitating the infusion of masks and serums deep into the skin. Armed with this knowledge, professionals can stop acne before it starts, soften the signs of aging, and negate post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Periodically check with local distributors and vendors for ongoing or additional education opportunities to ensure this technique is being performed correctly.
Antiaging skin care is the biggest money maker in the industry, thus far, raking in over $1.7 trillion annually, with $18.8 billion of that being spent in the treatment room alone. Instant gratification has become a necessity in a selfie-obsessed world – so much so that clients want results faster than they can upload selfies to social media. Microcurrent is one of the treatments that can offer that incentive, when done properly. This method of electrotherapy is a very low level of direct current which can easily be applied by magic glove, wand, and roller electrodes, or with a warming or cooling hammer. These mimic the body’s own natural impulses, which not only stimulates the skin, but also the underlying muscle receptors. When this current is properly massaged into the skin and muscle (from insertion to origin), the result will be a lifted, toned appearance, almost immediately. This non-surgical facelift can be an invaluable tool in a professional’s treatment room arsenal when coupled with supporting professional products, such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, and stem cells. Results, although having a rapid onset, are based in the musculature and must be maintained, much like exercising any other muscle of the body. Selling these treatments in a series is mutually beneficial and will keep revenue stream open for future products and services.
Whether hopping aboard the latest electrotherapy trend or looking to master the basics, ongoing education will always be of paramount importance. In an industry that has shown exponential growth in just the past decade, it is vital to be a subject matter expert in the eyes of clientele. With trillions of dollars in revenue and global exposure – thanks to social media – now, more than ever, it is easier to grow a thriving skin care business. Now is the time to be armed with knowledge, practical application, and thought-provoking conversation.

1 Gerson, Joel, Janet DAngelo, Sallie Deitz, and Shelley Lotz. Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals. Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning, 2013.

2 IMAGE Skincare. “The Six Figure Esthetician.” Lecture, IMAGE Skincare Phoenix, My Office Business Suites, Phoenix, AZ, August 13, 2018.

BrittanyFacio2019Brittany Facio is a Phoenix-based educator-turned-business development manager, passionate about how proper aesthetics education and sophisticated protocol implementation can create business-changing revenue. As a business development manager, she is responsible for not only educating her clients on IMAGE Skincare products and protocols, both on an individual basis and in monthly regional training seminars, but also for providing marketing, merchandising, and branding assistance to generate leads and capture a new audience. When she is not working, Facio enjoys play time with her family and Havanese rescue, Spruce, trying a new dinner recipe, and binge-watching comedies on Netflix.

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