Agroup of scientists from the Cambridge, Massachusetts area have created a silicone-based polymer that has temporary anti-aging and protective properties. This polymer has characteristics that are very similar to the skin and is a network arrangement of a polymer that is known as cross-linked polymer layer (XPL). XPL has been shown to have tightening and moisturizing properties and may also be beneficial for the treatment…
While the health of the skin is of the utmost importance to skin care professionals, most clients find their way into the spa because of the emotions they feel about their skin. For example, young clients with acne may feel depressed, anxious, or embarrassed about the condition of their skin, leading them to seek help. With the emotional state of clients in mind, professionals should…
Do: Exfoliate at night. Exfoliation removes the top layer of the skin, making the newly exposed skin extremely vulnerable to sun damage. Even after exfoliating at night, it is imperative that clients follow a sun safe routine and use a product with SPF on a regular and consistent basis.
  We recently asked skin care professionals on to identify the products they retail. Here are the results according to the respondents:

Fitzpatrick Scale

Written by Michelle D’Allaird-Brenner, L.E., owner of Aesthetic Science Institute
 The Fitzpatrick skin type scal has long been used by skin care professionals as a guide in their selection of professional treatments and products for clients.

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