The word “arany” is derived from Hungarian, meaning “gold.” Dealing with gold has always been marked by strong emotions. Until today its beauty, rarity, and immortality bear an irresistible attraction to people.
No one would ever say the most glamorous part about working in a spa is sanitation, but lack of it is the number one reason a client will leave the establishment. Properly sterilizing implements and having a clean work area is one of the critical components that separate licensed and unlicensed businesses, as well as successful from failing businesses.
Sanitation and infection control are some of the first things we learn in beauty school, and for good reason! It is crucial to have an understanding of the different kinds of infections you may come across, in order to protect yourself and the client. Clients rely on our knowledge and professionalism and trust us with their health, so we must abide by the law by…
Spa Alexis at Biggest Loser Resort Niagara is 2,100 square feet with six treatment rooms. Three of the rooms are used solely for bodywork, including massage, facials, acupuncture, chiropractic, emotional release, and so on. Then we have a manicure/pedicure room and a hair room. Our relaxation room transforms into a detoxification room at night. We use the background of this peaceful room to help restore…
“Grace” and “etiquette” may sound like old-fashioned words, but we need them today more than ever. Etiquette in the modern sense is not about selecting the proper fork for the salad at a formal banquet. It is about graciousness, including finding grace in difficult moments. Every service industry, especially spa and salon businesses, flourishes when we use our energies in a gracious way.

April 2024

Business Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Epionce
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • Skin Script

Spa Highlights